Action Item: The AAA Pattern πŸ”¬

In this Action Item, you will:

  • βš™οΈ write effective tests following the AAA pattern
  • πŸ•΅οΈ learn how to use code coverage to measure your testing progress
  • 🚦 get introduced to Test-Driven Development


  1. πŸ’ͺ[COMPETENT] Write a simple unit test using the AAA pattern
  2. πŸ‹πŸ½β€β™€οΈ[PROFICIENT] Add the missing function, in a TDD style
  3. πŸ”₯[PROFICIENT] Write an integration test
  4. πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ[EXPERT][BONUS🎁] Get the code coverage to 100% using automocking

HINT: Use the AAA pattern to structure your tests AAA Pattern

πŸ“” Tips for effective test writing:

  1. Test the public Interface/APIs of the system rather than the internal functions.
  2. Test state, not interactions. Rather than testing how the system got to a certain result, test the result.
  3. Test Behaviors, not Functions. Do not try to match the structure of the test to the one of the code.
  4. It is ok to repeat yourself(forget DRY) and be DAMP(Descriptive and Meaningfully Phrases)
  5. Write Clear Error Messages: Given -> When -> Then

WALK-THROUGH: 1.[COMPETENT] Write a simple unit test

Test a single function in isolation using a unit test.

1.1 Install dependencies:
npm install
1.2 Run the tests:
npm test

Check the terminal and inspect the results.

1.3 πŸ” Inspect the code coverage

The tests will now run when you change your code. You should also see the current Code Coverage: test pass

Check the coverage folder and open the coverage/lcov-report/index.html file in your browser. You should see something like this:


Code Coverage for a specific function: coverage_report_function

1.3 Complete the missing tests:

Follow the examples in the tests files:

Run the tests in watch mode:

npm run test:dev

You should see something like this: watch_mode

Press a to run all the tests. Keep them running to get real-time feedback on your progress.

Make sure you cover the function at 100% in tests, see below: solution_one_coverage


WALK-THROUGH: 2.[PROFICIENT] Add the missing function, in a TDD style

Use Test-Driven Development to implement a method. We have already written test cases for the function, you have to write the code.



Check the failed test message and implement a function to make the tests pass:



WALK-THROUGH: 3.[PROFICIENT] Write an integration test

πŸ’‘ HINT: Use jest to mock dependencies.

Note: We have added some mock objects to make it easier for you in mocksExample.ts.


3.1 EXPERT - Use auto-mocking for your test objects

πŸ’‘ HINT: Use ts-auto-mock to easily create mock objects.

    const discountedProduct = createMock<Product>({
        discount: {
            isEnabled: true,
            percentage: 50,

WALK-THROUGH: 4.[EXPERT][BONUS🎁] Get the code coverage to 100% by addding integration tests

πŸ’‘ HINT: Use jest to mock dependencies.

πŸ’‘ HINT: Use ts-auto-mock to easily create mock objects.

Getting Help

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