The primary goal of this tool is to reduce the size of XSL files used in client side XSLT in web browsers.
xslmin performs the following minification tasks:
Deletes unused templates
Deletes unused variables
Deletes unused parameters
Strips comments
Strips ignorable whitespace
Renames local variables
Renames local parameters
Renames global variables
Does NOT rename global parameters (so you can still inject them)
Renames named templates
Normalizes space in attribute token lists, e.g.
Collapses xsl:elements to short form e.g.
<element name="foo">
Inlines xsl:attributes e.g.
<element name="foo"> <attribute name="bar"> <value-of select="$foobar"></value-of> </attribute> </element>
<foo bar="{$foobar}">
You can download the latest JAR from Maven Central
java -jar xslmin.jar inputXslPath outputXslPath [-p[reserve]]
The easiest way is to use maven and the maven-antrun-plugin
to fetch xslmin and then use it in your ant build like so:
<path id="project.class.path">
<path path="${maven.plugin.classpath}"/>
<taskdef name="xslmin"
<xslmin in="${srcdir}/myxsl.xsl" out="${outdir}/myxsl.xsl" preserve="true"/>
Existing users note, the java classes have been repacked to the github namespace
. -
Now available on Maven Central
<dependency> <groupId>com.github.ricksbrown</groupId> <artifactId>xslmin</artifactId> <version>2.3.0</version> </dependency>
- Merge identical templates
- Detect recurring long text and move to global variable