
Contains a simple test to measure the speedup provided by the OneDiff algorithm.

Primary LanguagePython

OneDiff Speedup Test

This repository contains a simple test to measure the speedup provided by the OneDiff algorithm.

How to Use

Follow these steps to set up and run the test:

  1. Set up a Python 3.10 Conda environment

    Create a new Conda environment named onediff-test with Python 3.10:

    conda env create -n onediff-test python=3.10
  2. Activate the environment

    Switch to the new environment:

    conda activate onediff-test
  3. Install the OneDiff library

    Run the provided script to install the OneDiff library with CUDA 11.2 support:

    bash install_one_diff_cuda121.bash

    This script follows the official OneDiff installation instructions.

  4. Verify the OneDiff installation

    Verify that the OneDiff library is successfully installed by importing it in Python:

    python -c "import onediff"
  5. Run the test

    Execute the test script:

    python onediff_test.py

    This script uses the OneDiff library to perform text-to-image inference using a pre-trained model.
