
📡 A very basic Swift HTTP/2 library.

Primary LanguageSwift

Swift Http2

A very simple HTTP/2 library for Swift.

⚠️ There is active work going on here that will result in API changes. ⚠️


class MyDelegate: NSObject, Http2SessionDelegate {

  public func sessionConnected(session: http2Session) {}
  public func session(session: http2Session, hasFrame frame: Frame) {}

let session = Http2Session(url: URL(string: "http://localhost")!)
let sessionDelegate = MyDelegate()
session.delegate = sessionDelegate

// Connect to host

// Get a new stream ID
let stream = session.streams.next()

// Set some headers
let headers = [
  (":method", "POST"),
  (":scheme", "http"),
  (":path", "/"),
  ("content-type", "application/json"),
  ("te", "trailers"),

// Create a header frame and write it to the session
let frame = Frame(headers: headers, stream: stream, flags: .endHeaders)
try? session.write(frame: frame)

// Create a data frame and send some bytes
let bytes = [UInt8]()
let data = Frame(data: bytes, stream: stream, flags: .endStream)
try? session.write(frame: data)

// Disconnect from host