
Dummy Simple Shell Implementation

Primary LanguageC

A Simple Shell Program

This is a simple shell program that can be used to understand how UNIX processes works.


1. Simple Functionality

  • Ability to execute all simple linux commands like ls, cat, echo, sleep, ps, etc.
  • Inbuilt cd command implementation to change directory.
  • Inbuilt reaping mechanism to reap zombie processes.

2. Background Execution

  • Ability to execute a command in background.
  • Inbuilt reaping mechanism to reap zombie processes while taking a new command.
  • Ability to run multiple commands in background.

3. Exit Command

  • Ability to exit the shell using the exit command.
  • Kills all foreground and background processes when exiting the shell.
  • Cleans up all resources used by the shell (if any).

4. Signal Handling

  • Ability to handle Ctrl+C signal.
  • Terminates all the foreground processes when Ctrl+C is received.
  • No effect on background processes.

5. Serial and Parallel Foreground Execution

  • Ability to execute multiple foreground processes in parallel.
  • Ability to execute multiple foreground processes in serial.


To compile the program:

$ gcc my_shell.c -o my_shell
$ ./my_shell
  • For background execution use & at the end of the command.
  • For serial execution use && at the end of the command.
  • For parallel execution use &&& at the end of the command.


This is a simple shell program and does not support any complex commands.