An ambisonics library for Pd and Max/MSP (v1.2), written in C. Available cross-platform.
[grambipan~], [grambiman~], and [grambidec~] are a series of ambisonic objects for Pd. They will form a large part of the new grambilib~ library I am finishing this semester, allowing a user to control angle and elevation using an audio-rate signal.
All objects are written in the C programming language. The externals (collectively) allow a user to manipulate 1st (3d), 2nd (2d), 3rd (2d), and 7th (2d) order ambisonics for mono, stereo, quad, 5.0, hexagonal, octagonal, hexadecagonal and b-format cube (3d) array configurations.
These objects are largely based on my rg.ambi~ abstractions from 2015 (also available from my Github repositories).
A simple ambisonic panner with message and audio-rate controls for azimuth and elevation. Supports 1st (3d), 2nd (2d), and 3rd (2d) order.
This object supports 3d b-format manipulations, including rotate, tilt, tumble, rotate-tilt, and rotate-tilt-tumble. 1st order support only.
A simple ambisonic decoder based on FuMa coefficients, including, mono, stereo, quad, pent, hex, oct, hexadecagonal and b-format cube.