The First Open-Source Laravel Vue headless PWA CMS.
PWA dashboard + CRUD + API generator & more.
Badaso is a open-source Laravel Vue headless CMS (with PWA dashboard + CRUD + API generator & more) for more productivity !
- Modern PWA Dashboard - Elegant design, fully customizable, Fast and SPA based on Vue.js with PWA technology (service worker, offline mode, dekstop installation and more)
- Advanced CRUD generator - Build your application faster and be more productive !
- API generator - Integrate your application (mobile, desktop even IoT) more faster !
- Secure - Build based on laravel make it secure as laravel
- Modular - Install custom library in seconds like another your laravel projects
- Scalable - Like your another laravel projects !
- Easy maintenance - Like your another laravel projects !
- Long time support - Great choice for your long-term project.
Live demo
Click here for live demo (some error may happen because random test by a lot of random people)
Live demo will reset every one day
Getting started (installation, how to use & more)
You can see official badaso documentation.
Community support
For general help using badaso, please refer to the official badaso documentation.
For additional help, you can use one of these channels to ask a question:
- Github discussion (Questions and Discussions)
- Github issues (Bug reports, Contributions)
- Facebook groups (Discussion for active facebook users)
- Telegram groups (Discussion for active telegram users)
- Youtube tutorial (coming soon)
Coming soon.
For keep badaso up to date and keep support your awesome long-term project up to date.
You need a badaso_license_key to running badaso for only $1/month for unlimited projects ! (after we release the stable version)
But if you wanna support badaso more, we appreciate it so much and will keep badaso up to update and support your awesome long-term projects !
- Become a backer on OpenCollective
- Become a backer on Patreon (coming soon)
- One-time donation via Paypal (coming soon)
Good financial support will make badaso keep up to date and keep support your awesome long-term projects !
Thanks to all backer on OpenCollective !
Thank you for considering contributing to badaso !
Please read our contributing guideline before submitting a Pull Request to the project.
Thanks for all contributors !
For documentation repo contributing click here.
Thanks to these awesome projects that make badaso awesome :
- laravel/laravel (Framework)
- vuejs/vue (Javascript framework)
- lusaxweb/vuesax (Vue component)
- spatie/laravel-backup (automation production database & application backup)
- spatie/laravel-activitylog (logging dashboard activity)
- spatie/flysystem-dropbox (dropbox cloud storage integration)
- nao-pon/flysystem-google-drive (google drive cloud storage integration)
- league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3 (aws S3 cloud storage integration)
- guzzlehttp/guzzle (advanced http request)
- webpatser/laravel-uuid (uuid provider)
- lcobucci/jwt (JWT provider)
- tymon/jwt-auth (JWT auth provider)
- arcanedev/log-viewer (application logging GUI)
- the-control-group/voyager (reference)
All financial support that badaso get, will also share to project above for support the ecosystem and make badaso keep up to date and keep your awesome long-term projects running.
See the LICENSE file for licensing information.