
Ricky Huang's dot files

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Ricky Huang dot files

Central repository for maintaining dot files, a compilation of configurations as well as scripts and tools developed over the years for various applications that I use daily.

They might not work for you, but feel free to try them.

Platforms: GNU/Linux (RHEL/CentOS) and Darwin/OS X (Apple Silicon/Intel)


Install necessary softwares and clone dotfiles repository with single command.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rickypc/dotfiles/master/bin/pre-provision)"

Or, you can git clone dotfiles into your non-empty home directory with one command (free from symlink or bootstrap business):

cd; git init -b master; git remote add origin https://github.com/rickypc/dotfiles.git; git pull origin master; git branch --set-upstream-to origin/master; git submodule init; git submodule update

Or, if you would like to use SSH clone URL, like myself:

cd; git init -b master; git remote add origin git@github.com:rickypc/dotfiles.git; git pull origin master; git branch --set-upstream-to origin/master; git submodule init; git submodule update


You can remove all the files came from this git repo from your machine if necessary:

rm -rf $(git ls-files)

Apply Stored Stat Information

You can apply back any stored stat information for files/directories ownership and/or permissions.

git-stat-cache in your $PATH:

git stat-cache -a

Or, not:

./bin/git-stat-cache -a

Script and Tool List

Script Name Language Description
apply Bash Apply all available patches.
chmod-fix Bash Fix folder and file permissions to 755 and 644 respectively.
chown-fix Bash Fix folder and file owner to current login user and group.
cloc-md Bash CLOC on multi git repos with md format.
colinux-build Bash Build Colinux kernel and its module.
cpan-uninstall Perl Uninstall CPAN package.
devel.umd.js ES6 Browser file loader for development mode.
disk-usage Bash Get disk space usage for current folder.
displays Bash Set all available display placements.
docker-cleanup Bash Remove exited Docker containers and untagged Docker images.
download-site Bash Download any site for offline fair use.
download-site-partial Bash Download any site partially for offline fair use.
flac-bits Bash Get actual and advertised FLAC bits.
get-virtualenv Bash Install Python 3.x virtual environment.
getinfo.sh Bash Collects CentOS system hardware and software information.
git-author-fix Bash Fix author name and email in git history.
git-blame-summary Perl Show total LOC, author list, contribution percentage, and timestamp.
git-branch-stat Bash Show code change stat between base branch and current branch.
git-del-branch Python Delete git local, remote-tracking, and remote branch.
git-maintenance Bash Sync with remote, clean, and optimize git repository.
git-new-branch Python Create git new branch from base branch, push to remote and track.
git-new-workdir Bash Create new git working folder with shared git repository.
git-stat-cache Bash Store and apply file / folder ownership and permissions in git.
git-visual Bash Create Git activity visualization video.
git-what-branch Perl Show the earliest path of git commits.
gpg-verify Bash Verify GPG signature from specified document path.
json-prettifier Bash Pretty print JSON document.
json-uglifier Bash Remove whitespaces from JSON document.
kill-port Bash Kill any process running on given port.
m3u8-mp4 Bash Convert m3u8 playlist to mp4 video.
metadata-service Bash Advertise local machine as AWS EC2 instance.
migrate-php Bash Migrate between PHP versions.
mvn-deps Bash List Maven artifact dependencies.
osx-displays Bash Show current display settings.
osx-flush-dns Shell Flush DNS caches on OSX.
osx-show-all-files Bash Set OSX to show all files (dot files) in Finder and file dialog permanently.
pack Bash Sanitize the source and pack them all.
polygon-fun Perl All fun facts about Polygon geometry.
pre-provision Bash Pre-provision development environment.
provision Bash Provision development environment.
replace-in-place Bash Replace file content in-place.
rm-crlf Bash Remove BOM character and CRLF inside the files.
rm-quarantine Bash Remove quarantine flag extended file attribute.
rm-svn Bash Remove .svn folder. For good ol' time sakes.
robot-lint.py Python Lint Robot Framework data files.
robot-parallel.py Python Run Robot Framework data sources in parallel.
search Bash Search keyword inside the files.
search-crlf Bash Search CRLF inside the files.
set-hostname Bash Set hostname.
slap Bash Pull and rebase the code from git repository.
slip Bash Merge and push the code back to git repository.
ssh-keygen-dsa-4096 Bash Generate SSH DSA key with 4096 bits length.
ssh-keygen-rsa-8192 Bash Generate SSH RSA key with 8192 bits length.
stay-fresh Bash Clean caches, histories, logs and brew upgrade.
stressor Bash HTTP stressor with some degree of ramp up.
unprovision Bash Unprovision development environment.
update-aws-credentials Bash Update AWS credentials file.
x-launcher-client.c C Send command to socket server running inside Colinux.
x-launcher.c C A socket server running inside Colinux to execute requested command.


MIT License, unless otherwise noted.