
A Hadoop Map-Reduce like framework implemented using Golang

Primary LanguageGo


A Hadoop Map-Reduce like framework implemented using Golang; A round 3 times faster than Hadoop MapReduce (by issuing 5 nodes for each application). The system is supported by a simple distributed file system and a gossip style based failure detector.


cd /MP3
sh build.sh
at the master node, run sh vote_build.sh if you need input data for voting sets application, otherwise the input data is for word frequency
then run:
./maplejuice on every single node


in the system, input maple
<maple_exe> <num_maples> <sdfs_intermediate_filename_prefix> <sdfs_src_directory>


in the system, input juice
<juice_exe> <num_juices> <sdfs_intermediate_filename_prefix> <sdfs_dest_filename> if the maple function executed before this juice function is an identity function, please directly run:
<juice_exe> <num_juices> <sdfs_intermediate_filename_prefix> <sdfs_dest_filename_of_last_juice>

Other commands:

`You can use the following commands:

Failure detector related

  • join: make this machine join the membership list
  • leave: leave from the membership list
  • change: change from GOSSIP to ALL_TO_ALL, vice versa
  • ls: show all machines and their statuses in the membership
  • id: show ID of the current machine
  • mode: show current failure detecting mode

File system related

  • put: insert/update a file to the distributed file system
  • get: get a file from the SDFS
  • delete: delete a file from the SDFS
  • store: show the files stored on the current node
  • ls: show the positions that a particular file is stored at