A stock trading platform featuring a discord bot.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


RHSX (Richmond Hill Stock Exchange) is an order-driven exchange used by Richmond Hill High School's Finance Club. It includes a discord bot which users can interact with and an API to fetch data.

Public Slash Commands

Optional parameters are italicized.


Adds a user to the exchange, allowing them to trade

/trader info

Displays the user's general account information

/trader position

Displays the user's current positions

/submit limit [ticker] [direction] [quantity] [limit_price]

Submits a limit order

/submit market [ticker] [direction] [quantity]

Submits a market order

/submit stop limit [ticker] [trigger_price] [direction] [quantity] [limit_price]

Submits a stop order that when triggered, submits a limit order

/submit stop market [ticker] [trigger_price] [direction] [quantity]

Submits a stop order that when triggered, submits a market order

/orders find [order_id]

Finds an order with the specified id

/orders query [type] [direction] [ticker] [status]

Queries the user's orders given the specified filters

/orders cancel [order_id]

Cancels the order with the specified id


Check if the bot is alive

Admin Slash Commands

/admin market open

Opens the market, allowing orders to be submitted and processed

/admin market close

Closes the market
When the market is closed, no orders can be submitted. However, previously submitted orders can still be cancelled.

/admin bot snapshot

Returns a file containing the objects stored in the bot's cache

/admin bot experiment

Used to test experimental commands or features