
4 bit calculator designed in circuitverse. Incorporates adders, shift registers and control circuit to perform arithmetic operations on 4 bit numbers


Link to file: https://circuitverse.org/users/187722/projects/4-bit-calculator-966b1e0d-9aff-4a65-ae5a-8737316bb14c

This is a 4 bit calculator designed and simulated in Circuitverse. It encorporates a 4 bit adder cum subtractor, universal shift registers and control circuitry to perform arithmetic operation on 2 4-bit binary numbers. Multiplication and division utilise the "shift and add multiplication" and "restoring division" algorithms in "Structure of Computer Systems" by Baruch, Z. F.

OPCODEs for universal shift register:

00-No change

01-right shift

10-left shift

11-parallel load

Operations and their corresponding OPCODE:
