
Java Program that performs functions of a smart calculator

Primary LanguageJava

Smart Calculator

Java Program that perform functions of a smart calculator. Has following features:

- converts arithmetic expressions from infix to postfix notation and then evaluates them
- assign values and store values in variables

To learn more about this project, please visit the Hyperskill Website

The Source files for this project can be found by navigating to:

  Smart Calculator/task/src/calculator

This Directory contains 2 files:

Main.java - Create a new instance of Calculator and initiates the program.
Calculator.java - This file contains the methods that run the program.

The Calculator class contains the following methods:

  1. turnOn()

    • Encapsulates the program and calls two methods, menu() and turnOff().
  2. menu()

    • Main menu which prompts the user to enter commands, initiate/assign variables or evaluate expressions.

       a) Program accepts two commands
             - /help - entering command gives you general information about the program
             - /exit - entering command terminates the program
       b) to initiate or assign variables then must be in the form:
             i.e var = 123 OR var = var
             - (left) var is the identifier/variable (program accepts variable names that only contain letters [a-zA-Z])
             - (right) is the assignment which can be a numeric value or another existing variable
       c) To evaluate an expression you must enter it as a command in a single line in infix notation
             i.e 3 + b * ((4 + 3) * 2 + 1) - 6 / (2 + 1)
  3. checkVariable(String input)

    • Checks if the user input of a variable assignment is valid. Will produce an error message if the user entered a variable or assignment that does not meet the criteria entered above.
  4. assignVar(String input)

    • Takes a user input of a variable assignment and assigns/updates the value
  5. calculate(String input)

    • Calculates the arithmetic expression entered by the user
  6. simplifyExpression(String input)

    • Transforms the user's arithmetic expression to the desired format
    • Returns a String[] object containing all the operands and operators as elements of the arrays
  7. convertInfixToPostfix(String[] expression)

    • Takes the String[] containing the elements of the arithmetic expression and converts it to postfix notation
    • Returns a String version of the postfix expression
  8. precedence(String op)

    • Takes the String representation of an operator and assigns a priority.
    • Returns an integer representing the priority of the operator. The higher the value, the greater its priority.
      Operator(s) Rank
      + , - 1
      * , / 2
      ^ 3
  9. turnOff()

    • Terminates the program.