- Install Rust and its other tools with rustup
curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
- Install with the nightly version by choosing a customized installation
Go to the pnvm project root and build the project
git clone https://github.com/githubxxcc/ParNVM.git
cd ParNVM && git checkout demo
cd pnvm && cargo +nightly build --release --features unstable
Create the config file and run the application
cp Settings.toml.sample Settings.toml
cargo +nightly run --release --features unstable
Some Options for running TPCC workload
TEST_NAME="TPCC_NVM" | "TPCC_OCC" // For ppnvm or occ contention management
WH_NUM: warehouse number
Sample output from the program:
/* Running TPCC_OCC */
1, 1, 12389, 0, 5000
//thread_num, wh_num, txn_success, txn_abort, duration in mili second
/* Running TPCC_NVM"
1, 1, 128908, 0, 0 ,0, 5000
//thread_num, wh_num, txn_success, txn_abort, pc_success, pc_abort, duration in mili second
pnvm/src/ // Hold benchmarking related files
main.rs // Functions that run the benchmark
tpcc/ // Folder for TPCC workload
table.rs // Table data structures for TPCC
numeric.rs // Numeric data type for TPCC
entry.rs // Entry type for each table
tpcc_tables.rs // Tables with queries functions built on top
// of table.rs
workload_occ.rs // Prepare tables for benchmark
workload_ppnvm.rs // Piece generation for each txn
pnvm_lib/ // Library for txn management
map.rs // Map data structure for microbenchmark
occ_txn.rs // OCC txn methods
nvm_txn_2pl.rs // Pieces with 2PL as contension management
nvm_txn_occ.rs // Pieces with OCC as contention management
pieces.rs // Piece data structure
map.rs // Map data structure for microbenchmark
plog.rs // NVM log data structure
tbox.rs // TBox data structure for microbenchmark
tcore.rs // Tag, Version data structure
txn.rs // Common data structure related to txn
lib.rs // PMDK interface
Check if the machine has persistent memory (or disk simulated non-volatile memory). Follow instructions on this.
might need to be installed for this to work -
Install PMDK (v1.4)
git clone https://github.com/pmem/pmdk.git
cd pmdk && make
sudo make install
Some dependencies for pmdk:
sudo apt-get install pkg-config autoconf doxygen
- Run with pmem features flag
PMEM_FILE_DIR=/path/to/pmem/dir cargo +nightly run --release --features "unstable pmem"
error while loading shared libraries
Refer to this issue Try adding
and runldconfig
State | MileStone | Task | Deliverable | Expected Time |
. | ❗ Benchmark Experiment | - | - | 31 July |
☑️ | Unit test with OCC using TBox | Code | 1 Week | |
🚧 | PMDK library interface - [x] How to call C library from Rust - [x] How to use PMDK library to manage transaction's persistence - [x] PMDK interface |
Code | 1 Week | |
Algorithm Draft - [x] First draft of the Algorithm - [ ] Second draft |
- Design Doc - Pseudocode |
1 Week | ||
. | Implement Offline Chopping | - Code | 1 Week | |
. | . | Benchmarking using OCC + Slow Persistency v0 | - Datasets | 1 - 2 Weeks |
. | ❗ Proposed Algorithm Experiment | - | - | 15 August |
. | . | Benchmarking using our proposed protocol | - Experiment Graph/Result | 1 - 2 Weeks |
. | ❗ More Experiments | Perform more benchmarking - 2PL + Strand persistency? - OCC + Stand persistency? |
- | 1 September |
. | ❗Paper | Paper | - | 30 Septermber |
. | . | First Draft | - | 1 Week |
. | . | Second Draft | - | 1 Week |