
Generate tweets using org-mode in Emacs

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Setting up dependencies

Install Ruby

  1. On MacOS, you may want to install Chruby, a Ruby version management tool. With it, you can install multiple Ruby versions with ruby-install ruby 2.7.2 and use Chruby to set which one to use. Follow the instructions in this Stack Overflow answer for more details.
  2. Make sure you update your path to point to the right Ruby version

Install and setup t

You need to install the t Twitter command-line tool.

  1. Make sure you are using Ruby 2.7.2 (haven't tested with 3.0.0)
  2. Run gem install t
  3. There are some issues with authorizing a Twitter account with the current API. So before continuing, do one of the following:
  • Try downgrading the Ruby Twitter client version: gem install twitter -v 6.1.0; gem uninstall twitter -v 6.2.0
  • Or try modifying the constant in the t source code following the instructions in this issue
  1. Run t authorize and follow the instructions to create an app on your Twitter account. Make sure it has read and write permissions