
Small App for Lu's and Alex's Wedding

Primary LanguageGroovy

Download Grails

..code: bash

sudo mkdir /opt/grails sudo chown martin:martin /opt/grails cd /opt/grails

curl -O http://dist.springframework.org.s3.amazonaws.com/release/GRAILS/grails-2.4.3.zip

unzip grails-*.zip

Set up environment

Besides these two you have to make sure that ${JAVA_HOME} points to a JDK, not a JRE.

..code: bash

export GRAILS_HOME=/opt/grails/grails-2.4.3 export PATH="${GRAILS_HOME}/bin:${PATH}"

# if not yet done: export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/"

# test if everything is running grails --version

Set up an example

This follows the online example.

..code: bash

cd ~/Arbeit/Groovy/Grails grails create-app helloworld cd helloworld grails

The last command starts the grails console.

Create content for the example

For every new page you want to be shown, you have to add a controller:

..code: grails-console

grails> create-controller hello

This yields a new controller in grails-app/controllers/helloworld/HelloController.groovy. Add some code to get a Hello World:

..code: groovy

class HelloController {

def index() {

render "Hallo World"



and run it from the grails shell with grails> run-app -Dserver.port=40080 and visit the grails start page to get to your app. You may stop it with grails> stop-app. In order to deploy the app on a JavaEE application server, use grails> war.

Creating useful content

First you need a domain class. This is what represents persistent data

..code: grails-console

grails> create-domain hightime.Question hightime.QuestionSubject grails> create-domain hightime.Participant hightime.Answer

Go to the grails-app/domain/hightime/Question.groovy and add some properties:

..code: groovy

package hightime

class Question {

QuestionSubject subject String question

static hasMany = [answers: Answer]

static constraints = {

subject nullable: false question unique: subject



Do the same for the other domain classes. Now add a controller for entering questions: Note that we use the very same name for it!

..code: grails-console

grails> create-controller hightime.Question

The most simple UI can be obtained by using:

..code: grails

package hightime

class QuestionController { // we could also use true as a value here static scaffold = Question }

Now create scaffolding-controllers for all domain classes you want to be able to edit as well. In our case, it is only Participant because we will give the QuestionSubject and Questions programmatically later.

You can now run this simple application by using grails> run-app -Dserver.port=40080

Improve templates

In order to alter the way the app looks like, do grails> install-template.