Problem statements

1. I/O: Walk

Develop class RecursiveWalk, calculating files hash in specified direcotry recursively.

  • Console run format: java RecursiveWalk <input file> <output file>.
  • Input file contains list of directories needed to walk through.
  • Output file must contains calculation results for each line of unput line in the following format: <hex hash> <path>, one per line.
  • Hash calculation algorithm: FNV.
  • In case of any errors, the hash result must be 00000000.
  • Input and output files encoding is UTF-8.
  • Parent directory to the output file should be created if it is absent.
  • File sizes may exceed RAM size.

2. Collections Framework: ArraySet

Develop class ArraySet, implementing immutable ordered set.

  • Class ArraySet must implement NavigableSet interface.
  • All methods must be maximally asymptotic effective.

3. Data streams: Students

Develop class StudentDB, processing search queries over students database.

  • Class StudentDB must implement both StudentQuery and StudentGroupQuery interfaces.
  • Each method must contains exactly one operator.

4. Reflection: Implementor

Develop class Implementor, generating basic class or interface implementation source code.

  • Console arguments: qualified interface name to generate implementation of.
  • The result of the run must be a generated java code with Impl suffix, extending (implementing) given class (interface).
  • It must be possible to compile generated code without errors.
  • Generated class cannot be abstract.
  • Generated methods must ignore arguments and return default value of appropriate return type.
  • Input classes or interfaces do not utilize generics.

5. Jar: Jar Implementor

  1. Create .jar file including compiled Implementor and all related classes.

    • Created archive must be runnable using command java -jar
    • All additional command line arguments must be passed to Implementor
  2. Modify Implementor. With additional argument -jar it must create .jar archive including generated implementation of given class or interface.

6. Javadoc: Implementor Javadoc

  1. Add comprehensive documentation to solutions of problems 4 and 5 using Javadoc.

    • All classes and all methods (including private ones) must be provided with documentation.
    • Documentation must be compilable without errors.
    • All links to standard library classes must be valid.

7. Basic parallel computing: Iterative parallelism

Develop class IterativeParallelism, processing lists in multiple threads.

  • It is required to support following queries:

    • minimum(threads, list, comparator): first occurring minimum.
    • maximum(threads, list, comparator): first occurring maximum.
    • all(threads, list, predicate): check whether all elements satisfy given predicate.
    • any(threads, list, predicate): check whether any element satisfies given predicate.
    • filter(threads, list, predicate): list containing only mathcing given predicate elements.
  • Number of threads created to compute the query must be equal to threads argument.

  • Usage of Concurrency Utilities is prohibited.

8. Basic parallel computing: Parallel mapper

  1. Develop class ParallelMapperImpl, implementing ParallelMapper interface.

    • Method run must concurrenlty compute given function on each element of args.
    • Method close must terminate all threads.
    • Constructor ParallelMapperImpl(int threads) must create threads threads which may be utilized for future computations.
    • It is assumed that there may be several clients generating queries to compute.
    • All given tasks must be processed in queue.
    • There must not be any active standby.

9. Concurrency Utilities: Web Crawler

Develop thread-safe class WebCrawler implementing Crawler interface, recursively visiting web pages.

  • The class must have the constructor, accepting the following arguments:

    • downloader: Downloader instance to use in order to download pages and extract links.
    • downloaders: Upper bound for number of pages concurrently downloading.
    • extractors: Upper bound for number of pages concurrently analyzed for links extraction.

10. Networking: HelloUDP

Develop client and server, interacting via UDP.

  • Class HelloUDPClient must send requests to a designated server, receive responses and echo them to the console.

    • Command line arguments:

      • Server host name or IP.
      • Port which the server is listening to.
      • Request prefix.
      • Number of threads sending requests.
      • Number of requests per thread to send.
    • All requests must be sent concurrently in the given number of threads. Each thread must send its request, standby for response and echo both request and response. In case of no response, thread must try to send request again, terminating only upon reaching target number of requests for each thread.

    • Requests format: <request prefix><thread number>_<request number>.

  • Class HelloUDPServer must accept requests sent by HelloUDPClient and send appropriate response.

    • Command line arguments:

      • Port to listen.
      • Number of threads processing requests.
    • Response format: Hello, <request>.

    • It is allowed to temporarily halt receiving new requests if server is busy.

11. Serialization and RMI: Bank

The initial bank implementation is located in course examples of RMI usage.

  • Add functionality to work with individuals (Person).

    • It must be possible to get first name, last name and passport number of given Person.

    • Local Person instances (LocalPerson) must be transferred using serialization. These are snapshots and are not affected remotely since created.

    • Remote Person instances (RemotePerson) must be used via RMI. Only skeleton is transferred so all changes affect original Person stored in bank.

    • Each Person may possess several bank accounts those must be accessible. These accounts must have following ids: passport:subId.

    • Bank functionality to add:

      • Lookup any instance type of Person by passport number.
      • Create new Person record.
  • Develop demo application.

    • Command line arguments:

      • First name.
      • Last name.
      • Passport number.
      • Account ID.
      • Money amount to add.
    • If provided individual information is absent in bank, an appropriate Person must be created, otherwise given data is verified.

    • If account with given ID is not in individual's possession, the new one is created with initial amount of 0.

    • The designated account amount is increased by a given value. New amount must be printed to the console.

  • Create tests verifying the foregoing behavior.

    • It is recommended to use JUnit 5.
    • Tests should not expect RMI Registry to be started preliminarily.
    • Create class BankTests which starts tests and prints results to the console.
    • Create script, launching BankTests. Return code must be 0 only in case of success.
    • Create script, launching tests in a common way for the used testing framework. Return code must be 0 only in case of success.

13. Internationalization and localization: Text statistics

  • Develop TextStatistics application, analyzing languages in various languages.

    • Command line arguments: TextStatistics <text locale> <output locale> <text file> <report file>

    • Supported text locales: all available locales in system.

    • Supported output locales: Russian, English.

    • Files encoding: UTF-8.

    • Categories to analyze:

      • Sentences.
      • Lines.
      • Words.
      • Numbers.
      • Money amounts.
      • Dates.
    • Statistcs to calculate by each category:

      • Number of occurrencies.
      • Number of distinct values.
      • Minimal value.
      • Maximal value.
      • Minimal length.
      • Maximal length.
      • Mean value / length.
    • Report format: HTML.

    • Texts to analyze size is expected to be less than RAM size.

  • Create tests verifying the foregoing behavior.