
This repository holds data and code for my Bachelor thesis "Exploring machine learning models for churn prediction of membership subscriptions".

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This repository holds data and code for my Bachelor thesis: "Exploring machine learning models for churn prediction of membership subscriptions". The goal is to test different ML models to predict if a member will be renewing their yearly membership.

The metric of choice for this classification task of predicting non-renewals will be precision with the acceptable threshold of 75%. That being said the performance metric and threshold might be re-evaluated after performing some EDA on the data and determining class balance.

Business objective

Devise a ML model for for predicting who won't be renewing their membership and to determine if the non-renewing member can be converted 3 months prior to their renewal date.

Extra: If a probability model has good performance then determine users who are within 30% - 50% chance of renewing. Those users have the biggest potential to be converted from non-renewals to renewals.


General facts:

  • The available data is inspired by PALMS data found in company named Business Networking International (BNI)
  • BNI creates local groups of entrepreneurs who form relationships and refer eachother's businesses
  • Company business model: yearly membership subscription
  • BNI groups meet on a weekly basis

Datasets: PALMS

  • Data from 2016-03 to 2021-02 in a monthly format
  • Each months' PALMS data contains information members and chapters performance

Here are a couple of links with a legend/explanation of the PALMS data: Link 1 and Link 2.

Dataset: database_data

General information about all members.

Dataset: dropped_members_data

Information about member drop and join dates.

Thesis plan

  1. 1. Prepare for thesis
    1. Get data
    2. Business objective
    3. Create a cleaning log
    4. Decide on metric and threshold of choice
  2. 2. Prepare & clean data ("cleaning_log.md")
    1. Anonymize data
    2. Check control sums to ensure PALMS data hasn't been duplicated
    3. Concatenate PALMS data
    4. Create a master dataset - merge
    5. Ensure data integrity:
      1. Fix member records with two or less months with negative year of membership
      2. Fix member records with more than two months with negative year of membership
      3. Remove duplicate records
    6. Aggregate 3-, 6-, 9- month datasets
    7. Re-merge datasets
    8. Label: renewing/not renewing
  3. 3. Explore data (each of the 3-, 6-, 9- month aggregated datasets)
    1. Feature engineering:
      1. Seat popularity rate
      2. Chapter retention rate
      3. Chapter size
    2. Feature selection
    3. Exploratory Data Analysis:
      1. Summary Statistics
      2. Outliers
      3. Normality
      4. Visual representations
    4. Scale
    5. [Extra] Data Analysis:
      1. Which features are the most indicative if the member will or won't renew?
      2. Which seats are the most profitable?
  4. 4. Create ML models
    1. Split data: train, validate, test
    2. Hyperparameter tuning (cross-validate & plot)
    3. Learning curve
    4. Power analysis
    5. Test results
  5. 5. Meet with promotor to discuss results and get feedback
  6. 6. Write LaTeX thesis