
The repo contains a python3 module to visualize subjects (missing files) in a heatmap with daily resolution.

Primary LanguagePythonCreative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-SA-4.0

License: CC BY-SA 4.0

Create Heatmap of missing files

The repo contains a python3 module to visualize subjects (e.g. missing files) - hereafter refered as data - in a heatmap with daily resolution.

Description and objective

The repo contains a python3 module to visualize data in a heatmap with daily resolution.

The software package is written to visualize data similar to the github contribution chart. PlotHeatmap mypic_local_dataframe.png Example 1: The provided data has a single entry (row) per day. PlotHeatmap mypic_testfile_csv.png Example 2: The provided data has muliple entries per day and a day can have no, a few or exclusiv missing files.

Assumptions and notes

This package is not prepared for collecting the data. This package is prepared for visualization only.


The data can be provided in two different ways:

  • data_input_type = CSV as two column comma separated csv-file, with a single line header with the names of the columns
    • the data column1 should be consists of a date or a datetime string
    • the data column2 should be a float or a integer value
      • recommendation: use value 0 if file is NOT missing and value 1 if file is missing
    • e.g.:
date,missing files
2020-01-18 00:00:00, 1
2020-01-18 10:00:00, 1
2020-01-20 00:00:00, 0
2020-01-21, 1
2019-12-18 01:00:00, 0
2020-01-21 10:00:00, 0
2020-01-21 10:00:00, 0
2020-01-25 10:00:00, 1
2020-01-30 10:00:00, 0.5
  • data_input_type = DataFrame as pandas DataFrame
    • the values in the column1 'date' should be a dtype: datetime64[ns]
    • the values in the second column shouls be float or integer
      • recommendation: use value 0 if file is NOT missing and value 1 if file is missing

In general

  • the provided data can contain gaps and
  • the provided data can be un-sorted in terms of date or datetime.
  • the title (e.g.: Missing files) at the colorbar displays the column(2of2) name of your DataFrame or your csv-file


The script generates a Heatmap of missing files. The Heatmap will be provided

  • as rendered png-file and additionally
  • as html-file using the javascript highcharts library.


  • Python version 3.x
  • numpy
  • pandas
  • datetime
  • platform
  • os
  • matplotlib


There are two options to take your data.

... see also python script plthtmp.py

import PlotHeatmap

# OPTION1: used data are imported from csv file
    'data_import_type' : 'CSV', # Test|DataFrame|CSV
    'picture_filename' : 'test/mypic_testfile_csv',
    'csv_filename'     : 'test/test_missing_files.csv'

# OPTION2: used data are provided as panda DataFrame
    'data_import_type' : 'DataFrame', # Test|DataFrame|CSV
    'picture_filename' : 'test/mypic_external_dataframe',
    'DataFrame'        : df


Copyright and license

This application is free software, licensed under CC-BY-SA. The copyright (c) 2020 belongs to Rico Hengst.