
How to play -> A) Run directly "DonkeyKong-0.1.jar" B) Run "Initialize.cmd" [Clean code :-) dont worry] C) You will need to import the whole project in eclipse Notice: The game was made in Java 8, that means that the piece of code that contains "Objects.nonNull(a)" has to be replaced with "a != null", same way "Objects.isNull(a)" with "a == null"

Manual -> The manual for the game consist of 5 keys

W -> To climb up a stair
A -> To move in the x axis (left side direction)
D -> To move in the x axis (right side direction)
S -> To climb down a stair
SPACE_BAR -> To jump the barrels!

Perks: The hammer -> If you grab the hammer, the game gives your player an special ability to destroy the barrels. Conditions: you have to be facing the barrel, you can't be in a stair (If you are in a stair your player wont be able to use the hammer)

Thank you for playing.