
A WebAssembly component with GitHub authentication middleware and business logic

Primary LanguageRust


This repo is an example of how to compose a middleware component with a business logic component.

Repo structure

The github-oauth/ directory contains an API for using GitHub oauth in an application. It consists of

  1. The authorize handler which kicks off the github oauth flow allowing a user to give permissions to a GitHub app
  2. The callback handler which GitHub uses as the redirect url in the oauth flow. The callback handler is responsible for taking a code from the URL param and exchanging it for authentication token from GitHub for the user.
  3. The authenticate handler which validates a given access token in an incoming request with the GitHub user API.
  4. The login handler which returns a login button.

The example/ directory contains a Spin application which consists of one http handler which returns an HTTP response contains Hello, Fermyon! in the body. In the spin.toml file, the component build instructions point to a build.sh script which builds the example component and composes it with the github-oauth component.

Demo instructions


cargo install --git https://github.com/bytecodealliance/cargo-component cargo-component
cargo install --git https://github.com/dicej/wasm-tools --branch wasm-compose-resource-imports wasm-tools --locked
  • Install latest Spin

  • Create an OAuth App in your GitHub Developer Settings. Set the callback URL to Accept defaults and input dummy values for the rest of the fields.

    • Save the Client ID
    • Generate a new Client Secret and save that as well

Build the components and run the demo

# Build the middleware
cargo component build --manifest-path github-oauth/Cargo.toml --release

# Build and run the example

# Open in a browser

Running with Wasmtime

This component can be universally run by runtimes that support WASI preview 2's HTTP proxy world. For example, it can be served directly by Wasmtime, the runtime embedded in Spin. First, ensure you have installed the Wasmtime CLI with at least version v14.0.3. We will use the wasmtime serve subcommand which serves requests to/from a WASI HTTP component.

Unfortunately, wasmtime serve does not currently support setting environment variables in component, so we cannot pass environment variables at runtime as we did with Spin. Instead, set the CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET oauth app secrets generated in the prerequisites step as environment variables and build the oauth component with the compile-time-secrets feature flag. The flag ensures the environment variables are set in the component at compile time so they are no longer needed from the WebAssembly runtime.

cargo component build --manifest-path github-oauth/Cargo.toml --release --features compile-time-secrets
# Compose the auth component with the business logic component using wasm-tools
cd example && ./build.sh
# Serve the component on the expected host and port
wasmtime serve service.wasm --addr

Configuring the callback URL

Instead of using the default callback URL of, you can configure the URL in an environment variable that is resolved at build time. This is useful in the case that the component is not running locally, rather in a hosted environment such as Fermyon Cloud.

export AUTH_CALLBACK_URL=https://http-auth-app.fermyon.app/login/callback
cargo component build --manifest-path github-oauth/Cargo.toml --release --features compile-time-secrets
spin deploy -f example