
Provision PHP projects using Docker and Docker Compose

Primary LanguagePHP


A tool for provisioning PHP projects using Docker and Docker Compose. Locker can manage all of your dev, stage, and production deployments.


  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • A Docker host such as:
    • Virtualbox and Boot2Docker (for local development)
    • A Docker Machine host (for staging and production environments)


The easiest way is to include Locker in your composer.json file.

"require": {
    "ricog/locker": "0.1.*",


Locker needs a locker.yml file to run. The best place for this is in your root folder, or in a locker folder at the root of your project. In fact, Locker will look in both locations. Use the locker-sample.yml file as a starting point.


To get a full list of commands and options.


Start your containers.

bin/locker up