####Steps to build and run the co2-calculator

  1. Go to the root directory of the project
  2. Build and containerized the service, run
docker build . -t co2-calculator
  1. Run the service, use
docker run -e ORS_TOKEN=<token> co2-calculator:latest --start <start_city> -end <end_city> --transportation-method=<transport-type>


  1. if the start and the end city is not set, it is default to munich
  2. if the transportation method is not set, it is default to small-diesel-car


  1. from beijing to shanghai
docker run -e ORS_TOKEN=<token> co2-calculator:latest --start beijing -end shanghai --transportation-method=large-petrol-car

start: beijing
end: shanghai
method: large-petrol-car
Your trip caused 340.99kg of CO2-equivalent

  1. from munich to frankfurt (do not need to specify munich as starting point, do not need to specify car type)
docker run -e ORS_TOKEN=<token> co2-calculator:latest -end frankfurt 

start: munich
end: frankfurt
method: small-diesel-car
Your trip caused 56.42kg of CO2-equivalent
  1. unknown transportation type
docker run -e ORS_TOKEN=<token> co2-calculator:latest -end frankfurt --transportation-method=unkown 

start: munich
end: frankfurt
method: unkown
panic: transportation method unkown does not exist

  1. ORS_TOKEN Not provided
 docker run  co2-calculator:latest -end frankfurt

panic: Env var ORS_TOKEN Not set

  1. wrong token
docker run -e ORS_TOKEN=<wrong-token> co2-calculator:latest --end frankfurt

start: munich
end: frankfurt
method: small-diesel-car
panic: Cannot get coordinates of munich

####Run unit tests

detailed test report

docker run --volume=$(pwd):/ws  --workdir=/ws golang:1.12.1 /bin/bash -c "go test  -v ./..."

test with coverage info

docker run --volume=$(pwd):/ws  --workdir=/ws golang:1.12.1 /bin/bash -c "go test  -cover ./..."

Please be aware that we are running test in an empty golang container, so at beginning it will pull dependencies, which will take a bit time (20s)