Pre-evaluate async functions during builds and import them like JSON
- 0
Dependency Dashboard
#57 opened by renovate - 2
- 1
ES6 module system not supported.
#122 opened by Jeremboo - 3
Import of the remark-gfm, rehype-slug and next-mdx-remote/serialize produce an error
#94 opened by mavr1k - 1
- 0
- 0
- 0
Update next peerDependency version
#105 opened by abchugh - 1
- 0
Cannot import modules prefixed with @
#103 opened by tristan-kelley - 3
Webpack not using jsconfig.json aliases
#44 opened by fabien - 0
Missing declare or export in index.d.ts
#90 opened by Merri - 4
Incompatibility with next-compose-plugins
#68 opened by bryanguillen - 1
Can not build in vercel production
#80 opened by khoak8111 - 8
Is it possible to configure this plugin to only run once when the server starts?
#27 opened by Vadorequest - 6
Pref: preval runs multiple times during build
#14 opened by fabien - 21
css-loader/cjs.js: e.charCodeAt is not a function
#66 opened by cisox - 1
- 5
Environment variables are all undefined when next-plugin-preval is wrapped with `@sentry/nextjs` webpack plugin
#42 opened by Vadorequest - 0
- 3
Provide built-in fetch globally
#12 opened by ricokahler - 4
Data can be stale after the first load
#23 opened by ricokahler - 6
Stack trace is not propagated on error
#22 opened by ricokahler - 5
`next-plugin-preval` messes with Webpack configuration, "'fs' module not found" error
#26 opened by Vadorequest - 1
Issue with async/await - Returns Promise with resolved data but still a Promise
#25 opened by Vadorequest - 5
Promise returned rather than resolved response
#19 opened by riceboyler - 3
isn't working with next dev (workspaces?)
#5 opened by Maxastuart - 1
1.0 Roadmap
#1 opened by ricokahler - 3
Does the preval JSON gets sent to the client?
#13 opened by kibebr