
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Apricot Benchmark


# Setup poetry
make .venv

# Run streamlit
make run



Compare all the functions and optimizers across a few dozen data sets. Apply each objective and each optimizer to select a subset from each of the data sets. Compare optimizers using the objective function that they're attempting to optimize. Can't really compare different objective functions that easily. (1) for each objective/optimizer, look at how many examples are chosen from the smallest class, and (2) train ML models using each subset and seeing how well they can make predictions on the test set. (3) compare the performance of the models w.r.t. time and memory (implement speedups)

Will the metadata from each data set have some association with which objectives or optimizers perform well, e.g., feature-based functions work well with categorical data but facility location works better when everything is float?

Metadata dataframe: n_observations n_features n_classes number continuous/categorical/discrete (proportions?) type: binary, categorical, continuous task: classification, regression imbalance average correlation coefficient

What does "transform" and "code" mean?


  • integrate the metadata for each dataset into a richer metadata dataframe so we can compare the functions/optimizers based on it --> metadata/pmlb_data_processed.csv
  • set up code for feature-based and facility location
  • can we come up with a concave function that doesn't divide
  • look at speed and memory cost using sklearn.datasets.fetch_covtype of increasing size
  • look at julia priorityqueue
  • implement pytorch version of feature-based function (naive)
  • could show that we can train a model on imagenet using x% of the data

Data sets



  • Feature-based
  • Maximum Coverage
  • Facility Location
  • Graph Cut
  • Sum Redundancy
  • Saturated Coverage
  • Mixtures


  • Naive
  • Lazy
  • Two-stage
  • Approximate Lazy
  • Stochastic
  • Sample
  • GreeDi
  • Modular Greedy
  • Bidirectional

Concave Function

  • log
  • sqrt
  • sigmoid


  • Compare on speed as well? (can just take 1 one of the bigger datasets)
  • Test scalability of the different functions using the Feature-based optimizer

Data Prep

Challenge: data engineering is an important aspect of getting any ML method to work and it wouldn't be fair to the functions to simply use the data raw

For now:

  • one hot encoding categoricals
  • setting min value to 0
  • Remove the feynman datasets

Filter by n_observations > 10_000