
Personal portfolio (2023) site built with NextJS, React, TypeScript, and Tailwind

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Personal Portfolio v4


Personal portfolio website, created from the NextJS.

Live version can be viewed at narinsun.com

My portfolio has changed throughout time, with each edition reflecting a step forward in my professional progress. The first iteration was made with Vanilla JS, and the second iteration used the same design but was rebuilt with Gatsby and React. I chose to redo everything for the third edition. I used Gatsby but added TypeScript and Framer-Motion for more dynamic animations. This version was especially satisfying because I chose to forsake pre-made component libraries in favor of building everything from scratch. This technique dramatically improved my component composition and StyledComponents skills, as well as the introduction of unit testing.

Version 4, another total rewrite. This time, I've shifted to NextJS for better performance and SEO. I used Tailwind and DaisyUI for the UI, keeping framer-motion for smooth and eye-catching animations.

Tech Stack

Built With: TypeScript, NextJS, React, Tailwind, Framer-Motion, hosted with Vercel

More Information


  • Last Updated: 9/21/23

  • Created: 9/21/23