
Helper Python Package for Kayo Apis

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Kapyo is a Python library for interacting with Kayo Apis.


Use the package manager pip to install kapyo.

pip install kapyo


import kapyo

#activate a kapyo session which will automatically log you in and access your root profile
session = kapyo.setup("CREDENTIALS.json")
#or session = kapyo.setup_from_login('Username', 'Password')

#Check the current events available

#Get the manifest link for a given event id
manifest_links = session.get_stream_links(102331)

#Return some hmtl which contains the player set to play the stream
first_link = manifest_links['data'][0]

#Or if you going to do something fancy like read it into Cv2 you can access the uri itself


Many thanks to etopiei for his work on his Unofficial Kayo Desktop App and matthuisman for doing the hard work of documenting the Apis on which both this projects are heavily based.

License & Obvious things

I am not associated with Kayo Sports. Do not use this package to spam their api servers (you will just get blocked anyways)

MIT License 2021 See License.txt for more info