EKS deployment:


First clone this repo, and then install:

  • ✅ Terraform
  • ✅ aws-cli
  • ✅ helm

Config aws-cli:

First please create an IAM account and add then configure aws-cli to use this IAM account by running:

aws configure

EKS 🔌:

Installing EKS 🔥 :

Firt you will have to download all the moduls terraform uses in this repo, please run init command:

terraform init

Next step is to deploy the EKS cluster

terraform apply

This will deploy/update the EKS components in the AWS.

Connect kubectl to the cluster 🔌

The following command will configure the local kubectl to connect to the eks cluster.

aws eks --region us-east-2 update-kubeconfig --name  my-cluster

Uninstalling the EKS :

terraform destroy


Installing the cluster 🔥 :

To deploy the redis cluster to the EKS we will use the redis-cluster chart: https://github.com/bitnami/charts/tree/master/bitnami/redis

$ helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
$ helm install redis-cluster bitnami/redis

Check the cluster:

Checking if the Redis pod deployed in the previous step is running.

helm list

To check the running pods:

kubectl get pod

Enter the created pod with kubectl exec.

kubectl exec -it redis-cluster-master-0  -- redis-cli

Uninstalling the cluster :

To uninstall/delete the redis-cluster deployment:

$ helm delete redis-cluster

The above command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.

Backup :

To install the backup task run the following command:

helm install backup cronjob