Adding your project output to Zotero

Keep your output up to date

It is essential that we can always show our up to date output. Please make sure to regularly add new software, publications, talks, news items, presentations, conference papers or anything else that can be considered project output. Any output that you don't know how to add to Zotero? Check the closed issues, or add a new one if it is not yet listed.

End report

For most completed projects, a list of publications can be found in the end report:

  • Find project in Sharepoint
  • Project / E - End documents / Wetenschappelijk en financieel report (Scientific and financial report).

If there are any publications not in the end report, please add them too!

If you cannot find an end report, check with Noura if it is available somewhere else.


Note: Use the offline version of Zotero, the web client functionality is very limited, can't add by DOI etc.

In zotero:

  • Go to edit/Preferences/Sync
  • Enter username & password -> OK
  • Click sync button Instruction
  • Netherlands eScience Center should appear under Group Libraries.

Open project

  • Click Netherlands eScience Center / Group Libraries.
  • Zotero projects are not searchable; it's easiest to find the project id at the bottom of this document, and use it to find your project.

Adding items

Items can be added by DOI (preferred), or manually if there is no DOI. Items without a DOI can be added from File -> New Item -> 'type'.

About dates

Please refrain from using date ranges (eg. no 4-5th december 2013), and just use a single date (the first day of the range). To differentiate days from months, please use yyyy-mm-dd, or mm-dd-yyyy. If the year is last it will be parsed as mm-dd-yyyy and zotero will also show it as such, so dd-mm-yyyy will not parse correctly. If the day is unknown, use mm yyyy, eg 05 2014 for May 2014.


To add a publication by DOI:

  • Click Netherlands eScience Center in Group Libraries.
  • Find your project in Projects
  • Click Add item(s) by Identifier Instruction2
  • Enter one or more DOI(s), seperated with a space.
  • Add tag domain or escience If you have papers that are not directly connected to a project, but which are linked to the eScience Center, please add them to the Miscellaneous folder (on the same level as Projects


Add software:

  • Get a DOI for software via Zenodo.
  • Add software to project by its DOI (Zotero DOI import works through, it can take a couple of hours after creating a Zenodo DOI before it is available).
  • Change the item type to computer program.
  • Registering with a DOI is preferred, however sometimes it may not be worth the effort if it is for instance very experimental and you're sure it will not be cited. But we still consider this to be project output; anything with a GitHub repository can be added: add a computer program item manually, make sure to fill Title field and the GitHub URL under URL.

Other items

Zotero supports the following types: Artwork, Audio Recording, Bill, Blogpost, Book, Book Section, Case, Computer Program, Conference Paper, Dictionary Entry, Document, Email, Encyclopedia Article, Film, Forum Post, Hearing, Instant Message, Interview, Journal Article, Letter, Magazine Article, Manuscript, Map, Newspaper Article, Note, Patent, Podcast, Presentation, Radio Broadcast, Report, Statute, Thesis, TV Broadcast, Video Recording, Webpage Workflows for other types:

  • Conference poster: use Presentation, add type: Poster
  • Dataset: In order to distinguish dataset items from regular journal articles inside Zotero, the following should be added on a separate line into the extra field:

itemType: Dataset

  • Manuscript: use Manuscript, add extra:

submittedAt: date

submittedTo: journal

  • Software paper: a software paper is a paper that is published in a software journal and described the software and not so much scientific questions answered by the software. use Journal Article, add under extra:

itemType: Software

  • Workshop: Add as presentation, use type: Workshop
  • Lecture: Add as presentation, use type: Lecture

If you still have an item that doesn't fit, please open an issue in this GitHub repository and we'll figure it out & update this document.

Example: eSalsa



Since the projects in Zotero are not searchable, find your project below:

Code Title Reponsible for end report content
650001005 Self Organizing Archives
650001003 Online Groups in organizations
650001002 Expotree
33017002 Genetics of sleep patterns Vincent
33016009 MAGIC Niels
33016008 Visualizing Uncertainty and Perspective Plus Maarten
33016007 VLPB-AVE2 Lars
33016006 Blue-Action Yang
33016005 TWEX Translating weather Extremes into the future Gijs
33016004 Bird Avoidance System (BirdRadar) Jurriaan
33016003 UCL: Classifying activity types Dafne
33016002 The Riddle of Litery Quality Carlos
33016001 Commit / valorisation call 2015-2016 Romulo
33015004 ANDI-Advanced Neuropsychological Diagnostics Infrastructure Janneke
33015003 IndoDutch - Understanding Large Scale Human Mobility Berend
33015002 Primavera Rena
33015001 From sentiment to emotions - Embodied emotions Janneke
33014001 ODEX4ALL - Open Discovery and Exchange for all Arnold
33013002 LifeWatch Christiaan
33013001 Flysafe 2 Jurriaan
27017G06 NEWSGAC:Advancing Media History by genre classification Erik
27017G05 EviDENce: Ego Documents Events ModelliNg Martine
27017G04 TICCLAT:Text-Induced Corpus Correction and Lexical Assessmen Valentina
27017G03 Bridging the gap: Dig. Humanities the Arabic-Islamic corpus Patrick
27016S06 Autograph: Automated multi-scale Graph maipulation Rena
27016S05 City Cloud: From the things to the cloud and back Hanno
27016S04 High Spatial Resolution phenological modelling Romulo
27016S03 Software Analytics of the global impact of escience software Atze
27016P09 3D printing of human body parts Adrienne
27016P07 Data-mining tools for abrupt climate change Johan
27016P06 Automated analysis of online behaviour on social media Erik
27016P05 Case Law Analytics Dafne
27016P04 Parallelisation of multi point-cloud registration Ben
27016P03 Data quality in a distributed learning environment Berend
27016P02 Towards a species-by-species approach to global biodiversity Jason
27016P01 Fast open source simulator of low-energy scattering Johan
27016G08 Visual Storytelling of Big Imaging Data Maarten
27016G07 Accelerating Astronomical Applications 2 (Triple-A 2) Atze
27016G06 A methodology and ecosystem for many-core programming Alessio0
27016G05 DIRAC: Distributed Radio Astronomical Computing Hanno
27016G04 DeepRank: Scoring 3D protein Sonja
27016G03 Googling the cancer genome Arnold
27016G02 Emotion Recognition in Dementia Vincent
27016G01 eEcoLiDAR Yifat
27015S01 Error Detection and Localization for Radio Telescope SHM Hanno
27015G09 AA-ALERT Ronald
27015G08 iDark: The intelligent Dark Matter Survey Faruk
27015G07 Automated Parallel Calculation of Collaborative Stat Models Patrick
27015G06 Enhancing protein-drug binding prediction Lourens
27015G05 DynaSlum:Data Driven Modeling and Decision Support for Slums Elena
27015G04 What Works When for Whom? Janneke
27015G03 Towards Large-Scale Cloud-Resolving Climate Simulations Gijs
27015G02 Algorithmic Geo-visualization: from Theory to Practice Carlos
27015G01 e-MUSC - Enhancing Multiscale Computing Lourens
27015911 Real-time detection of neutrinos from the distant Universe Ben
27015910 Improving Open-Source Photogrammetric Workflows Willem
27015602 Diagnosis of active epilepsy in resource-poor setting Vincent
27015601 Enabling Dynamic Services Niels
27015001 Detecting anomalous behaviour in the Amsterdam Arena Sonja
27014909 Mining Shifting Concepts through time (ShiCo) Carlos
27014908 Giving pandas a ROOT to chew on Jason
27014907 Compressing the sky Vincent
27014906 Massive Biological Data Clustering Sonja
27014905 RT-SAR Hanno
27014904 Large Scale Data Assimilation-eWatercycle Niels
27014903 DiLiPaD Janneke
27014901 Platform for Chemical Data Analytics Stefan
27014503 Recording history in large news streams Stefan
27014502 Achieving Multidisciplinary High-Throughput Elena
27014501 A Lightpath for Optical Coherence Tomography imaging Elena
27014402 Visualising uncertainty and perspectives Maarten
27014401 DIVE+ Carlos
27014204 Prediction of Candidate genes for Traits Arnold
27014203 ERA-URBAN Ronald
27014202 Computational chemistry made easy Lars
27014201 3D-e-Chem Stefan
27013902 Texcavator Janneke
27013901 Mapping the Via Appia in 3D Romulo
27013805 PIDIMEHS Patrick
27013804 HADRIANVS Patrick
27013803 Beyond the book Carlos
27013802 From sentiment to emotions Janneke
27013801 Dr. Watson Carlos
27013703 Big Data Analytics in the Geo Spatial Domain Romulo
27013702 Jungle-Computing Jason
27013701 ABC-Muse Niels
27012903 Distributed High-performance AMUSE Niels
27012902 TwiNL Erik
27012901 eSiBayes Jurriaan
27012105 SPuDisc Jisk
27012104 SimCity Berend
27012103 Summer in the City Jisk
27012102 eVisualization of Big Data Maarten
27012101 Massive Point Clouds for eSciences tefan
27011311 Water management/eWaterCycle Niels
27011309 Life Sciences/TraIT Elena
27011308 BiographyNed/eHumanities Jisk
27011307 VLBPII/Green Genetics Lars
27011306 Food Ontologies Stefan
27011305 eEcology Stefan
27011304 Biomarker Boosting/ Cognition Elena
27011303 eSALSA/eClimate Ben
27011302 eChemistry/Metabolite ID Lars
27011301 eAstronomy Rob