
http video storage service with editing capabilities

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

HTTP API video editor

Friendly Web HTTP API video editor with pluggable file storages, video editing backends, and streaming capabilities.


  • create a project1
  • list all projects
  • retrieve project details
  • delete project
  • duplicate project
  • edit video:
    • trim
    • rotate
    • scale
    • crop
  • capture a thumbnails for timeline2
  • capture a thumbnail for a preview at a certain position of the video, with optional crop and rotate params
  • upload a custom image file for a preview thumbnail
  • get thumbnails files
  • get video file
  • stream video

1: project it's a record in db with metadata about video, thumbnails, version, processing statuses, links to files and etc.
2: timeline is a display of a list of pictures in chronological order. Useful if you build a UI.

Installation & Run

These services must be installed, configured and running:

  • Python (>= 3.6)
  • FFmpeg
  • MongoDB
  • RabbitMQ (celery backend)

After required services were installed and started, you can proceed with a video server installation.

Installation for development

NOTE: Use virtualenv and pip to install python modules.

# clone project
git clone https://github.com/superdesk/video-server.git

# install video server for development
# NOTE: your virtualenv must be activated
pip install -e video-server/[dev]

Run video server for development

Video server consists from two main parts: http api and celery workers.

For starting an http api dev server:

  1. Set FLASK_ENV env variable to development:
export FLASK_ENV=development
  1. Run python -m videoserver.app

For starting a celery workers:

  1. Run celery -A videoserver.worker worker

Running tests

NOTE: You can run tests only if project was installed for development!
There are several options how you can run tests:

  1. Run tests directly from your virtualenv.
    Execute pytest from video server root.

if you want to get a coverage report into your terminal screen

pytest --cov-report term-missing --cov
  1. Run tests using tox.
    It runs tests for each python version specified in .python-version file.
    tox-pyenv plugin is used, so python versions from .python-version must be installed in yours pyenv. Just execute tox from video server root.

Installation for production

Video server is a module, but not ready to use instance.
For ready to use installation, please refer to the README file at: https://github.com/superdesk/video-server-app

Getting Started

Once server is started you can access a swagger via


List all projects
curl -X GET
Create a project
curl -X POST \
  -F file=@/path/to/your/video/SampleVideo.mp4
Retrieve project details
curl -X GET

where 5d7b841764c598157d53ef4a is project's _id.

Delete a project
curl -X DELETE

where 5d7b841764c598157d53ef4a is project's _id.

Duplicate a project
curl -X POST

where 5d7b841764c598157d53ef4a is project's _id you want to make a duplicate of.


⚠️ It's not permitted to edit an original project (version 1), instead use a duplicated project.

curl -X PUT \ \
  -d '{
	"trim": "2,5"

where 2 and 5 are seconds.

curl -X PUT \ \
  -d '{
	"rotate": 90

where 90 is rotate degree.

curl -X PUT \ \
  -d '{
	"scale": 480

where 480 is width you want to scale video to.

curl -X PUT \ \
  -d '{
	"crop": "0,0,180,320"

where width and height are respectively width and height of capturing area, and x and y are coordinates of top-left point of capturing area. https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#crop

Capture timeline thumbnails
curl -X GET ''
Capture a thumbnail for a preview at a certain position
curl -X GET ''

where position is a position in the video (seconds) used to capture a thumbnail.

You can also specify optional crop param if you want to crop a preview thumbnail, just add crop="0,0,180,320". Example:

curl -X GET \
Upload a custom image file for a preview thumbnail
curl -X POST \ \
  -F file=@/path/to/your/video/tom_and_jerry.jpg
Get timeline thumbnail file
curl -X GET

where 3 is a thumbnail index

Get preview thumbnail file
curl -X GET
Get video file
curl -X GET 

NOTE: If HTTP_RANGE header is specified - chunked video will be streamed, else full file.


  • Loi Tran
  • Oleg Pshenichniy
  • Petr Jašek
  • Thanh Nguyen