
A web app for finding campsites and hiking trails nationwide. Utilizes Firebase for authentication and database and multiple APIs, such as Recreation.gov and REI's Hiking Project.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  1. Hardcode the UI
    • Form for search bar
    • **pagination buttons -movie list

1.5. TDD movie template function, create function forEach movie to append to movieContainer

  1. hash-query.test.js -write test for adding search to empty hash (local url) -blank existing query string -variable for search term -query variable set by function writeSearchToQuery -create writeSearchToQuery function --> takes search term and puts it in the URL. Sets page to 1. -const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(existingQuery); - set the searchTerm and page number of searchParams -return searchParams.toString();

    -function: writePageToQuery (similar but doesn't set search term - used for pagination)

    -test: adds search to existing query changes search + resets page -function: readFromQuery(query)--> returns a results object from the URL -const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(query); -const results = { searchTerm: searchParams.get('searchTerm'); page } return result; -test: read options from query -test: if query has no page, then return page 1 -the three functions get moved into hash-query src file

  2. search-component.js -get search form by ID -const searchTermInput = searchForm.querySelector('input'); -searchForm event listener: - make a variable searchTerm that is equal to to the search bar input - make a variable existingQuery = window.location.hash.slice(1); - make a variable newQuery that calls writeSearchToQuery - change the window location to the newQuery

  3. index.js

    • create an event listener for hash change
    • create a variable query that gets the url (hash slice)
    • const queryOptions = readFromQuery(query);
    • use function updateSearchTerm to change the search term in queryOptions (create this function in search component)
      • takes in searchTerm, sets it as the value of searchTermInput
  4. Make function for formatting URL for API

    • make-search-movie-url.test.js
      • test includes query and page
        • create sample queryOptions object
        • expected is the URL you'll use to access the info from the API
        • make variable url (results) = makeSearchMovieUrl(queryOptions);
    • function makeSearchMovieUrl(queryOptions) -- this one is pretty complicated, reference the js file -move function to its own module
  5. fetch and load movies - index.js -- inside even listener

    • make variable url = makeSearchMovieUrl(queryOptions);
    • fetch(url) .then(response => response.json()) .then(body => { loadMovies(body.results); });

//increment offset for paging 7. paging component

  • get all of the elements by ID
  • set currentPageNumber to 1 -function updateQuery() -existing query = slice hash -newQuery = writePageToQuery(existing, page) -window.location.hash = newQuery; -event listeners for both buttons
    • incriment, function Message Input
  1. Detail View

    • render images
    • make sure we have enough images for detailview to be diginified enough to be worth showing
    • descriptions
    • location copy (informortion)
    • more links to external site 2 b late
  2. Firebase

    • auth
    • configure database (have data flowing freely through thing)
    • login (email+google)
    • favorites
  3. Favorites

    • favorite functionality :re cards
    • share favorites? (stertch)
    • user commentds on favorite (_DREM)

    • proximity to t@[0_b311
    • googgle maps directions (allow this location block/search)
    • weather
    • hiking projects for nearby hikes
    • userstory: as a user I want to know when Dog mountain is in bloom
    • userstory: as a user I want to avoid everyone all the time in all of the public places
    • EXTROVERSION FILTER (closest McMinnimans + Taco Bell to me)

Anna's To Do - logic of city/rec area on card (search list and favorites page) - else/ifs for variables on list component - auth redirect stuff - if no result for search, display message