
This is a python script that will generate an apple music developer token

Primary LanguagePython


This is a python script that will generate an apple music developer token. It helps you make the Apple Music JWT tokens needed to use MusicKit on iOS

Geting Started

Follow the instructions at Apple Music API Reference

Then come back here and follow the remainder of the instructions below.


After following the instructions at the URL above, you should now have 3 pieces of data:

  • a MusicKit private key in a *.p8 file
  • a 10-digit key identifier in your Apple Developer account
  • your 10-digit Apple Developer Account Team ID


Make sure that you are using PYTHON 2

Install the Python JWT package

pip install pyjwt

Install the cryptography package

pip install cryptography

Install requests

pip install requests


Place your MusicKit private key (the .p8 file you downloaded earlier) in the same directory as this file.

Open up the create_jwt file and edit the following lines:

Substitute YOUR_FILENAME with the filename of the .p8 file you downloaded, make sure to leave the .p8 extension.

filename = "YOUR_FILENAME.p8"

Substitute your 10-digit key identifier (kid) as found in your developer account

keyId = "1121212121"

Substitute your 10-digit Apple Developer Team ID

teamId = "2222222222"

Run the script

> python create_jwt.py

The script will output a token, sample curl command you can run to see if you were successful, and a sample response from a command using your jwt.