A macro to allow for compile time counting
Every instance of _int_
will be replaced with either a literal or an ident.
will panic in debug mode if counter exceeds usize.
If you wish to wrap to 0, please use count_macro::wrapping_count
use count_macro::count;
let a = count!(vec![_int_, _int_, _int_]);
assert_eq!(a, vec![0, 1, 2]);
use count_macro::count;
count! {
let a_int_ = "Hello";
let a_int_ = "World";
assert_eq!(a0, "Hello");
assert_eq!(a1, "World");
use count_macro::count;
macro_rules! my_macro {
($($v:expr),*) => {
let _ = $v; // Ignoring $v
println!("{}", _int_);
my_macro!('@', '@', '@', '@'); // Will print from 0 to 3
with _int_countername_
you'll be able to create a new counter called "countername".
This won't be incremented by _int_
or any other counter such as _int_0_
or _int_x_
use count_macro::count;
// With two different counters
// _int_ does not increment _int_name_
count! {
let a_int_ = _int_name_;
let a_int_ = _int_name_;
let a_int_ = _int_name_;
assert_eq!(a0, 0);
assert_eq!(a1, 1);
assert_eq!(a2, 2);