
TyrLoc: A Low-cost Multi-technology MIMO Localization System with A Single RF Chain.

Primary LanguageMATLAB


TyrLoc is a Low-cost Multi-technology MIMO Localization System with A Single RF Chain.

  • Low-cost: Cheap SDR and inexpensive antenna array extension
  • Multi-technology: Compatible with various protocols
  • Single RF chain: A novel method to calibrate the phase distortion caused by CFO



Add-Ons in MATLAB:
Signal Processing Toolbox
WLAN Toolbox
Communications Toolbox Library for the Bluetooth Protocol
Communications Toolbox Support Package for Analog Devices ADALM-Pluto Radio

Adding the whole floder into the path

Getting Started

  1. Click here to download the raw data and put it into the data folder.

  2. You can quickly use TyrLoc by running WIFIAoA_Main/BLEAoA_Main/LoRaAoA_Main.

Project Structure

│  WIFIAoA_Main.m         // Main function of AoA estimation for WIFI  
│  BLEAoA_Main.m          // Main function of BLE AoA estimation for BLE  
│  LoRaAoA_Main.m         // Main function of LoRa AoA estimation for LoRa  
├─ wifi_helper            // Helper functions of detecting WIFI preamble  
├─ ble_helper             // Helper functions of detecting BLE preamble  
├─ lora_helper            // Helper functions of detecting LoRa preamble  
├─ util                   // Helper functions of antenna ID extraction, Phase calibration and AoA estimation  
└─ data  
    │  Data_Info.txt      // Some infomation of raw data  
    ├─ wifi_data          // Raw data of WIFI signal  
    ├─ ble_data           // Raw data of BLE signal  
    └─ lora_data          // Raw data of LoRa signal  

Send us Feedback

Our work is open source for research purposes, and we want to polish it further!
So let us know if you find/fix any bug or know how to speed up or improve any part of TyrLoc.


If TyrLoc hepls your research, please cite the paper in your publications.

  title={TyrLoc: a low-cost multi-technology MIMO localization system with a single RF chain},
  author={Gu, Zhihao and He, Taiwei and Yin, Junwei and Xu, Yuedong and Wu, Jun},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services},