
A full stack project of a simple blog website built with MERN technologies.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is my very first project of a full stack web. The project is a simple blog website built with MERN technologies. Along with React Hooks and Bootstrap.

👀 Check it out https://blogstar-blog.herokuapp.com/

Quick Start

Add your MongoDB Atlas password, username, dbname to MONGO_PASS, MONGO_USER, DB_NAME of the .env file or, just set the atlas URL to the config folder mongoURI property.

  # Install dependencies for server
  npm install

  # Install dependencies for client
  npm run client-install

  # Run the client & server with concurrently
  npm run dev

  # Run the Express server only
  nodemon server.js or npm run server

  # Run the React client only
  npm run client

  # Server runs on http://localhost:5000 and client on http://localhost:3000


There is a Heroku post build script so that you do not have to compile your React frontend manually, it is done on the server. Simply push to Heroku and it will build and load the client index.html page

Cloud Database Service Provider

MongoDB Atlas

TO-DO (Front-End)

  • 📌 Update State When Comments Updated
  • 📌 Redesign CKEditor section (currenlty not resposnsive). Make it responsive and better
  • 📌 Work on updating post
  • 📌 Redesign Footer

Future Release

  • ⏳ Make users post Images, Videos, Code etc.
  • ⏳ Follow, Unfollow user
  • ⏳ Social Media Integration (Facebook, Google login/signup)




This project is licensed under the MIT License