
The Website for the Bowler System

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The Website for the Bowler System


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How this thing works

Adding A Tutorial

A tutorial consists of a Folder in the Content Directory with one index.md file containing the tutorial info and multiple other .md files containg the steps.

Here is an example


The index.md describes a tutorial and looks like this

tutorial: true
title: "My Simple Tutorial"
order: 2
image: foo.jpeg
[tutorial description]
  • tutorial: true markes this folder as a tutorial. if omitted it will be omitted from the tutorials page
  • title: "some string" tutorial title. will be displayed on tutorials page
  • order: # defines the order in which it will apear on the tutorials page. smaller numbers float to beginning of list. you can have duplicate numbers or skipped numbers or negative numbers.
  • image: file.jpeg the image associated with the tutorial that will be displayed on the tutorials page. if omitted a plaeholder image will be used. image should be in the same directory as the index.md file
  • tutorial description The text for the tutorial that appears after the image and before the list of steps on the tutorial page

The *.md content files look like this

title: "my step"
step: 2
layout: post
[after this point, this is the content of the tutorial in markdown]
## this is a h2 title ##

this is a paragraph

1. this
2. is
3. a
4. ordered list

... etc/

  • title: "some title" the name of the current step
  • step: # Same as menu order smaller steps come sooner.
  • layout: post sets the page layout. should always be post for steps.

Adding Normal Pages

not everything has to be a tutorial, it can be a page.



The tutorial logic will ignore anything without the tutorial meta data and just put em in as pages

You can still use metadata though. like give it a title, set a layout other then default by adding a frontmatter section

title: This is just a vanilla page
layout: myawesometemplate
## just a normal page ##

nothing to see here

1. just
2. really
3. normal
4. seriosuly


To add a page (or tutorial) to the menu bar use these tags

menu: true
menuorder: 0
menuname: "Home"
  • menu: true will cause the page to get put into the site's main nav menu
  • menuorder: # is used to sort the menu. if omitted the item will be placed last
  • menuname: "Name" is the label for the menu item to be used in place of the page title. If title is omitted too it will be the file name.

Updating download links

On the new landing page the download links come from the frontmatter in the index.md file. Update them by comitting a new index.md file with updated links to this repo.

winInstaller: "https://github.com/NeuronRobotics/BowlerStudio/releases/download/*.*.*/Windows-nrdk-*.*.*.exe"
linInstaller: "https://github.com/NeuronRobotics/BowlerStudio/releases/download/*.*.*/Ubuntu-nrdk-*.*.*.deb"
macInstaller: "https://github.com/NeuronRobotics/BowlerStudio/releases/download/*.*.*/MacOSX-nrdk-*.*.*.zip"