LeetCode Interview Questions

Welcome to the "LeetCode Interview Questions" repository. This repository is organized into three sections: Easy, Medium, and Hard. It contains a curated list of LeetCode interview questions to help you prepare for coding interviews.


  • Easy: This section includes a collection of easy-level LeetCode questions that are typically suitable for beginners or those new to coding interviews.

  • Medium: The medium section contains moderately challenging LeetCode questions. These questions are ideal for candidates looking to build a solid foundation in data structures and algorithms.

  • Hard: The hard section features the most challenging LeetCode questions. These questions are designed to test your problem-solving skills and algorithmic knowledge thoroughly.

How to Use This Repository

  • You can navigate to each section by clicking on the respective folder (Easy, Medium, Hard). Inside each section, you'll find a list of LeetCode questions, along with their respective solution files.

  • For each question, there may be multiple solutions provided in various programming languages. You can explore the solutions to understand different approaches to solving the same problem.

  • Feel free to contribute by adding more LeetCode questions and solutions. Your contributions are highly encouraged to make this repository a valuable resource for others.


Contributions to this repository are welcome! If you'd like to add more LeetCode questions, provide better solutions, or enhance the documentation, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your changes.
  3. Make your modifications, whether adding questions, solutions, or improving documentation.
  4. Commit and push your changes to your fork.
  5. Create a pull request to submit your contributions.


A big thank you to the LeetCode community and all contributors for helping build and maintain this resource.

Happy coding, and best of luck with your interview preparation!