
For COE 301

Primary LanguageMATLAB

ICP2017F - Introduction to Computer Programming (Fall 2017)

Name: Rhythem Sharma

UT EID: rs39696

Email: Rid.Sharma@utexas.edu

Department: Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics

University: University of Texas at Austin

Level: Undergraduate - Freshman

ICP Class Position: Student

Course Webpage: http://www.shahmoradi.org/ICP2017F/

Description of the project's content

This repository contains my homework, quizzes, and virtually ever effort I have made for ICP2017F class. The structure of the project is the following:

  • Homework: This directory contains all my homework submissions, each of which is a folder properly named with homework number, containing the homework submission.

  • Quiz: This directory contains all my quiz submissions, each of which is a folder properly names with quiz number, containing the quiz submission.

  • Exam: This directory contains all my exam submissions, each of which is a folder properly named with exam name or number, containing the exam submission.

For questions and troubleshooting, please contact:

Rhythem Sharma


From Robert Frost's The Road Not Taken:

Two roads diverged in a wood and I - I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."