
Autobase bot Twitter written in Go

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Autobase Twitter

Autobase bot on Twitter to automatically read DMs using certain keyword and send the message as tweets. This bot is currently being used on @UGM_FESS (even tho I've sold the twitter account to other person) which can easily process over 15K messages per month.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

How to Set up The App

  1. Create and set up your own .env file according to .env.example
  2. Run Project by building its binary. This project has two binaries:
    • worker : is the bot itself. Run by using make run-worker
    • api : the REST api of the app which planned to be the dashboard, but currently is not implemented. Run by using make run-api
  3. Enjoy.

Directory Structure

This repository is organized in the following directory structure.

|-- bin                                    # Contains binary of the built app
|-- cmd                                    # Contains executable codes and serves as entry point of the app
|   |-- worker                             
|   |   |-- main.go                        # entry point of the bot (worker) app
|   |-- <other entry point>                # other entry point
|-- config                                 # project level config. Ideal for development purposes because it will be bypassed by ENV vars
|-- constant                               # project level constant
|-- internal                               # Go files in this folder represent the Big-Pictures and Contracts of the system
|   |-- app                                # Contains dependency injection of the app and other app's related configs
|   |   |-- config                         # Configuration struct for the app
|   |-- delivery                           # Delivery layer of the app
|   |   |-- rest                           # REST Server as delivery of the app
|   |   |-- worker                         # Worker to as entry point of the bot itself
|   |-- entity                             # Enterprise Data structures
|   |   |-- message.go                     # Model for message
|   |   |-- <other_entities>.go            # Other data structures, preferrably 1 struct 1 file 
|   |-- gateway                            # Implementations of Gateway for External Service
|   |   |-- autobase_gateway.g             # Gateway implementation for Twitter API
|   |   |-- <other_gateways>.go            # Other Gateway implementations based on interfaces on folder internal.
|   |-- repo                               # Implementations of Repository-pattern to data-sources
|   |   |-- db                             # Database implementation for Archive of Autobase Twitter.
|   |   |  |-- firebase                    # Database implementation using Firebase.
|   |-- usecase                            # Usecases implementations for Application Business Logic
|   |   |-- autobaseuc                     # Business logic for autobase usecase
|   |   |-- archiveuc                      # Business logic for archive usecase  
|   |-- <other_usecases>.go                # Other Usecase implementations based on interfaces on folder internal.
|   |-- gateway.go                         # Interfaces / Contracts of all the gateways (External Services)
|   |-- repo.go                            # Interfaces / Contracts of all the repositories (Repository Pattern)
|   |-- usecase.go                         # Interfaces / Contracts of all the use-cases (Application Business Logic)


TODOs (Pull Requests are welcomed):

  • Rules feature (min followers, should be a follower)
  • Blocked words
  • More clear error messages
  • Success tweet reply with the link
  • UI for looking at older messages (annoying to have to look at firebase json everytime)