This repo represents my process of learning TouchDesigner. Some of these sketches contain useful bits or interesting ideas. Many of them are pretty bad. None of them are optimized. Some are kind of embarrassing. But hopefully you can find something interesting or useful! Each folder contains a TOE file and a thumbnail image that shows sample output.
Using the Line SOP and Spring SOP to create a grid of instanced geometry that behaves a bit like a fabric.
The Circle SOP, Noise SOP and a feedback loop to create an old school Doctor Who intro type of look.
Instancing a texture to make it look like a 3D paintbrush stroke.
Using noise to drive the height map of a phong material. The effect can look like clouds or landscape.
I dunno, man. Just some pretty colors in a flowery blob-like configuration.
Visualizing 3D noise with colorful cubes.
Yep. It's a cube made up of smaller cubes. Use some noise to drive the scale and color of the cubes.
Arranging boxes in a sphere orientation. Using noise to drive the color and scale of the boxes.
Eyeballs! PBR texture fun.
Using noise to create mattes to layer several images collage style.
Spheres in a particle system blended together to look a bit like a fire and smoke explosion.
Instancing circles along a circle and scaling the instances down as they go. The effect is like looking at a fish from above. This sketch includes a water surface effect.
Very similar to "fishy" with some added noise to create a different effect.
Instancing boxes around a circle and using some LFOs to animate their scale and orientation.
Trying to achieve a 2D gradient look using Circle TOPs and feedback.
An example of working with JSON from a REST API endpoint.
Using Mirror TOPs to create a kaleidoscope affect.
Loading and playing an image sequence to create a neon splatter.
Using noise to make instanced geometry appear to melt and re-grow.
Learning to use the Replicator by slicing noise into several Matte TOPs.
A particle system animated around a circle to look like a smoke trail.
Just makes handy placeholder videos.
Using noise and cache-selecting to imitate the look of an acrylic pour painting.
Sending noise through instanced geometry to give the impression of ocean waves.
Instanced geometry around a circle. Using noise to make it look like a weird metal snake.
A simple example of using a thresholded image to drive instanced geometry.
A really simple example of driving a switch with time.
Cool Trapper Keeper, dude. Banded noise-based color chaos.
Punching noise-affected circles through rectangle layers to create a vortex effect.
Camera-driven rotation of grid-instanced box SOPs.