lcab is under the GPL.
ninja - a faster make. At this point the build is a little crazy because there's a Makefile (std make) that generates more make files
via cmake using ninja as the build subsystem which you invoke with make. Ultimately you invoke everything with just make
brew install ninja
Cabinet Files specs from Microsoft. : use 32K datablocks. : argument parsing.
Ben Kibbey ( : quiet-option, recursive dirs
John Johnsen ( : small bug in setting number of files
Jeremy Jongsma ( : it segfaulted; I searched and found out max. filename size was 50!!
function changepath: got rid of the pointer error
Juan Grigera ( : return codes of main.c
Shaun Jackman ( : cabfile header bugfix, Debian packages, man page, autoconf
Ivan Brozovic : timestamp and attributes (especially the 'run-after-install' attribute shudder) bug fixed
Andreas Ropers ( fixed the timestamp on Win32 platform, and fixed the build on Solaris
Rien (