
Converts xml files from Lexware Faktura shop system (http://www.lexware.de/) to be handable for TVA (http://www.tva-logistik.de/).

Primary LanguageRuby

Conversion tool for xml data

This tool converts xml data from Lexware Faktura to a consumable xml-format for the logistics company TVA.

Faktura has an export tool, that generates one file with all transactions.

As TVA needs each customer, item and order in a different resource, this script generates these resources based on the exporter.

Once TVA has items and customers within their database, it's possible to send orders only.

Lexware Faktura is a piece of windows software, so the exported files are encoded in windows-1252. TVA needs UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1, we use UTF-8.

To enable encoding features on a various platforms, we use Ruby1.9.

So please make sure to run the rake task with ruby1.9, otherwise this won't work. If you're running rake test You would see some errors, that occur in combination with umlauts.


To install this Software on your system, you've got to install ruby, rubygems and rake. All other dependencies will be installed via

rake install


rake usage   # run this task to get a better overview
rake convert # this will be the main task for the export


This work is licensed under a creative commons attribution 3.0 license. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/. (cc) 2009. Jan Riethmayer.