ESRI Arcpy scripts for ArcGIS.
A collection of add-in and command line tools for map production and automation.
- Contains tools to record, restore, and reset layouts of data driven page (DDP) enabled mxds.
- Records layout position, size, and extents of north arrows, scale bars/text, and data frames.
- Saves data to a `.dbf` with specific name, which can be changed.
Annotation & Annotation_Stand_Alone
- ExtentBoxes Tool to create bounding boxes (polygons) of ddp dataframe extents of on-map dfs. Used for index polygon for Tiled Annotation creation.
- GenerateTiledAnno Automation of `TiledLabelsToAnnotation_cartography` tool that uses above generated boxes as index polygons.
- Stand-alone script is the same tool as above but is run from the command line with syntax `python`. Doesn't need ArcMap GUI and is therefore much fasterthan the above tools.
- A method of programmatically saving and restoring layer symbology for a given ddp.
- Saves layerfiles to a specific location named as `pageName_layerName_dataframeName.lyr`.
PDF_Export_Addin & PDF_Export_Stand_Alone
- Buttons to automate pdf export with pre-defined parameters. Can be easily altered to allow different params.
- Generates pdf name in the form `pageName_dpi_colorspace_orientation`.
- Stand-alone script is the same tool as above but is run from the command line with syntax `python DPI` where DPI is and integer representing the dots per inch of the exported pdf. Doesn't need ArcMap GUI and is therefore much faster than the above tools.
- On button press genterates definition query for layer of selected features. Simply select features you want to display for one layer, and press the button.
- Select layer in table of contents and press clear selection button to clear the query for that layer.
ReplicateSD (Command Line Tool)
- An automated way to replicate ArcSDE connected database to a local FGDB to improve performance.
- Uses a list (`layerNameLst`) to control which files are copied. Can easily be altered to include all files on SDE.
- Change databaseConnection variable to your .sde connection file.
- Can be run by a task scheduler at regular intervals to keep data up-to-date.