
Live resume maker - made with ReactJS.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React rendered Resume

A ReactJS app that takes resume info in a form and renders a resume in HTML (easily exportable to PDF).

User Stories

The set of goals that the user will be able to complete using this app.

With this app, the user can:

  1. View their resume next to form data
  2. Make changes to form data to live-update the resume
  3. Export the resume as PDF
  4. Reopening the app should allow stories 1-3 with the last updated form data

Mini-tasks remaining

  1. Deletable items.
  2. Collapsible form so it displays resume full width of window.
  3. 'Save and Generate PDF' button.
  4. "Add another subsection button"
  5. Experiment with making Made the nav buttons "sticky"
  6. SUpport line breaks in "description"
  7. A way to reorder subsections