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Touch enabled minimalistic slider written in vanilla JavaScript.
npm install --save lory.js
var lory = require('lory');
bower install lory --save
// To install dev dependencies run:
npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install
// To start the development server run:
grunt start
// To lint your code run:
grunt lint
// To make a full new build run:
grunt build
// To install dev dependencies run:
npm install
// To start karma in chrome browser and run tests:
grunt karma
<div class="slider js_simple simple">
<div class="frame js_frame">
<ul class="slides js_slides">
<li class="js_slide">1</li>
<li class="js_slide">2</li>
<li class="js_slide">3</li>
<li class="js_slide">4</li>
<li class="js_slide">5</li>
<li class="js_slide">6</li>
.frame {
position: relative;
font-size: 0;
line-height: 0;
overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;
.slides {
display: inline-block;
li {
position: relative;
display: inline-block;
<script src="js/lory.min.js"></script>
'use strict';
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
var simple = document.querySelector('.js_simple');
lory(simple, {
// options going here
<script src="js/jquery.lory.min.js"></script>
'use strict';
$(function() {
infinite: 1
<script src="js/lory.js"></script>
'use strict';
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {'.js_slider')).forEach(function (element, index) {
lory(element, {});
prev: | slides to the previous slide |
next: | slides to the next slide |
slideTo: | slides to the index given as an argument: (arguments: index {number}) |
returnIndex: | returns the index of the current slide element |
setup: | Binds eventlisteners, merging default and user options, setup the slides based on DOM (called once during initialisation). Call setup if DOM or user options have changed or eventlisteners needs to be rebinded. |
reset: | sets the slider back to the starting position and resets the current index (called on Resize event) |
slidesToScroll | slides scrolled at once | default: 1 |
slideSpeed | time in milliseconds for the animation of a valid slide attempt | default: 300 |
rewindSpeed | time in milliseconds for the animation of the rewind after the last slide | default: 600 |
snapBackSpeed | time for the snapBack of the slider if the slide attempt was not valid | default: 200 |
ease | cubic bezier easing functions: | default: 'cubic-bezier(0.455, 0.03, 0.515, 0.955)' |
rewind | if slider reached the last slide, with next click the slider goes back to the startindex. | default: false |
beforeInit: | executed before initialisation (first in setup function) |
afterInit: | executed after initialisation (end of setup function) |
beforePrev: | executed on click of prev controls (prev function) |
beforeNext: | executed on click of next controls (next function) |
beforeTouch: | executed on touch attempt (touchstart) |
beforeResize: | executed on every resize event |
- Chrome
- Safari
- FireFox
- Opera
- Internet Explorer 10+
Copyright © 2015 Maximilian Heinz, contributors. Released under the MIT, GPL licenses