Bank Account

JavaScript/jQuery Constructor/Prototype Exercise for Epicodus, 2/28/17

By - Chris Finney and Riley Watts


Simple bank account app that will allow users to set up an account with an initial deposit and provide subsequent deposits or withdrawals, tracking their balance.


  • Clone this repository

  • Navigate to the bank-account directory using finder or the terminal

Open index.html


Behavior Input ex. Output ex.
gather and display user's initial deposit $500 $500
create object with user input name, deposit { name, deposit }
modify object with prototypes balance = $300/withdrawal = $100 balance = $200
handles withdrawal exceeding balance balance = $300/withdrawal = $400 !error!

Technologies Used

HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, Jquery


** Copyright (c) 2017 Chris Finney & Riley Watts **

This software is licensed under the MIT license.