League Stats

By Riley Watts 5/28/17


A way for Summoners(users) to check their match history, add favorite champions to their backpack to look at, and eventually optimize skill/item strategies for their lane opponents.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • If you do not yet have a League of Legends account, create one here League of Legends Account Creation.
  • After you have a League of Legends account, visit the Riot Developer Page by signing in with your League of Legends Account. Copy your API key located half-way down on the left side of the screen, you'll need it soon.
  • Open your terminal/ git command line.
  • Navigate to your desktop and paste git clone https://github.com/rifley/league-stats.git
  • Open Android Studio and select the open existing project option and select 'League Stats' which should be located in the Desktop directory
  • In the top level of the 'League Stats' App directory, create a new file called 'gradle.properties'
  • Inside this file paste RiotKey = "Your Key Here" but replace "Your Key Here" with the key located on this page Riot Developer Page.
  • You should now be able to run the application by clicking the green play button.

Known Bugs

  • When saving champion to firebase, it saves the same information multiple times under different keys. All keys are used at one point, but not during object instantiation. Fixed 6/13/17
  • Activating animation for onItemSelected causes view to stay faded even after deselected.


Epicodus check list

Week One

  • Display a list of information
  • Use custom typefaces to enhance your designs
  • Gather user input and pass it to another activity
  • Validate all forms
  • Use ButterKnife to bind all views.
  • Implement the View.OnClickListener interface to set click listeners to view elements

Week Two

  • Implement OkHttp to retrieve data from a backend.
  • Create a data model to store the data.
  • Display a list of information using a RecyclerView
  • Incorporate at least one implicit intent

Week Three

  • Implement Firebase user authentication.
  • Save and retrieve data using Firebase, making sure to structure your data according to Firebase guidelines.
  • Employ the Firebase-RecyclerAdapter to display from your database.
  • Use SharedPreferences to save an important piece of data in your app.
  • Utilize dialogs to inform users of login status


  • Summoner match history on summoner activity (recycler view, seperate API call)

  • Backpack specific to firebase user auth


Support and contact details

If you have any questions, concerns, or general comments, reach out to me via email or InMail on LinkedIn

email - github - linkedIn

Technologies Used

Android Studio - Java


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2017 - Riley Watts