
A re-imagining of the original Oregon Trail game

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Oregon Trail

Oregon Trail JavaScript Game, Current Version: 03/09/2017

By Gloria Friesen, Megan Warnock, Ryan McAlpin, Chris Carr, Riley Watts


A web-based re-imagining of the original Oregon Trail game. Users will travel the trail, encountering forts and rivers along the way. Hunt and rest to replenish supplies. Party members may perish on the journey, but as long as at least one survives to Oregon, the user will win.

TOT Screenshot

Setup/Installation Instructions


Behavior Input Output
Application returns player name "Megan" Name: Megan
Application returns multiple player names "Gloria, Ryan, Chris, Riley" Name: [Gloria, Ryan, Chris, Riley]
Application assigns medicine, food, and players to the caravan object "Caravan" Caravan = {Medicine: 3, Food: 100, Players: [Megan, Gloria, Ryan, Chris, Riley]}
Application assigns personal health to each individual player "Megan" Health: 100
Application counts days "Day 3" Caravan = {daysTraveled: 3}
Food decreases with each day "Day 2" Food: 98
Application recognizes if caravan is at a checkpoint or on the trail "Trail" Trail === true
Application will run a random event roll (1-100) each day "Day 2" Random number: 32
Application will modify players or supplies based on outcome of random event roll "32" Broke a leg
Application will run another random event roll (1-number of players) to determine which player to assign the event to "32" Riley broke a leg
Application will prompt the user with day options "Day 2" hunt, rest, or continue on trail
Application will prompt the user with options based on checkpoint "Day 5" rest, trade, continue on trail
Application will recognize when players are sick "Chris" Chris.isSick === true
Application will give user option to use medicine to reverse illness "Use Medicine" Chris.isSick === false
Application will decrease player health at a greater rate if player is sick "Chris" Chris.isSick === true, Health - 4 per day
Application will increase health while resting "Rest" Health + 5 per day
Application will not increase Days travelled when resting "Rest" Day 2 === Day 2
Application will decrease food while resting "Rest" Food - 5 per day
Application will increase food by random number while hunting "Hunt" Food + 23
Application will decrease health while hunting "Hunt" Health - 3 per day
Application will decrease food and health while continuing on trail "Continue on trail" Food - 5 per day, Health - 3 per day
Application will check health of each player to see if player is still alive "Ryan" Ryan.health === 0, Ryan.isAlive === false
Application ends game when all players have died "Players" All players health = 0 === Game Over
Application recognizes last day as winning the game "100" You've won

Known Bugs

No known issues.

Support and contact details

Questions? Concerns? Suggestions?

Reach out to us via github: http://github.com/warnock

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • JavaScript
  • JQuery


This software is licensed under the MIT license. Copyright (c) 2017 Gloria Friesen, Megan Warnock, Ryan McAlpin, Chris Carr, Riley Watts.