To watch the docs more detail here.
- General Info
- Creator Info
- Features
- Technologies Used
- Setup
- Usage
- Video Capture
- Screenshots
- Structure
- Project Status
- Room for Improvement
- Acknowledgements
- Contact
A simple program that write in python programming language to implement flood-fill algorithm for solving coloring problems. In this project, we use PyGame library to make the GUI.
. I also use the BFS and DFS algorithm to solve the flood-fill problem. User can choose the algorithm that they want to use to solve the problem, color that they want to fill the canvas, and also erase the canvas. This project made for fulfilling Tugas Makalah IF2211 - Strategi Algoritma ITB 2022/2023
Nama | NIM | |
Mohammad Rifqi Farhansyah | 13521166 | |
Draw the canvas
with black border usingLeft Click
on mouseErase the canvas
usingRight Click
on mouse- Choose
to solve the flood-fill problem byPress C
on keyboard - Select a
Random Color
to fill the canvas byLeft Click
on color fill rectangle - Use
bucket tool
to fill the canvas with the choosen color by pressf
button on keyboard
- Python - version 3.9.4
- PyGame - version 2.4.0
Note: The version of the libraries above is the version that we used in this project. You can use the latest version of the libraries.
- Download all of the requirements above by using command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Clone this repository
git clone
- Open the project directory
- Change the directory to
cd src
- Run the program by using command:
- Enjoy the program!
Figure 1. Home Screen
Figure 2. Draw without Coloring
Figure 3. Coloring
Figure 4. Visualization
│ changes.txt
│ requirements.txt
│ 13521166_MohammadRifqiFarhansyah.doc
│ 13521166_MohammadRifqiFarhansyah.pdf
│ FoodFill.gif
│ icon.png
│ SS1.png
│ SS2.png
│ SS3.png
│ SS4.png
Project is: complete
Room for Improvement:
- Add more style to the UI
- Develop more features like
- Thanks To Allah SWT