
Python source code files to visualize DiskANNs Latency Throughput graph

Primary LanguagePython

Garuda Ilmu Komputer - Weekly Task

Latency Throughput Graph

Table of Contents

  1. General Info
  2. Creator Info
  3. Features
  4. Technologies Used
  5. Setup
  6. Usage
  7. Screenshots
  8. Structure
  9. Project Status
  10. Room for Improvement
  11. Acknowledgements
  12. Contact

General Information

A simple program with matplotlib that visualize DiskANN Latency Throughput.

Creator Information

Nama NIM E-Mail
Mohammad Rifqi Farhansyah 13521166 13521166@std.stei.itb.ac.id


  • This program was divided into 3 python source code file (src).
  • The data that have been used in this program was located in data folder.

Technologies Used

  • Python 3.9.4
  • Matplotlib 3.5.0

Note: The version of the libraries above is the version that we used in this project. You can use the latest version of the libraries.


  1. Download Python and install it in your personal device
  2. Install Matplotlib Library in Python


  1. Open the directory folder
  2. Choose the visualizing process do you want to execute
  3. Run the python source code file


│   README.md
│       devcontainer.json
│   ├───Percobaan1
│   │       Percobaan1.xlsx
│   │       Thread1.png
│   │       Thread16.png
│   │       Thread2.png
│   │       Thread32.png
│   │       Thread4.png
│   │       Thread64.png
│   │       Thread8.png
│   │
│   ├───Percobaan2
│   │       Percobaan2.xlsx
│   │       Thread1.png
│   │       Thread16.png
│   │       Thread2.png
│   │       Thread32.png
│   │       Thread4.png
│   │       Thread64.png
│   │       Thread8.png
│   │       thread_latency.png
│   │       throughput_latency.png
│   │       throughput_thread.png
│   │
│   ├───Percobaan3
│   │       Percobaan3.xlsx
│   │       Thread1.png
│   │       Thread16.png
│   │       Thread2.png
│   │       Thread32.png
│   │       Thread4.png
│   │       Thread64.png
│   │       Thread8.png
│   │
│   └───Percobaan4
│           Percobaan4.xlsx
│           Thread1.png
│           Thread16.png
│           Thread2.png
│           Thread32.png
│           Thread4.png
│           Thread64.png
│           Thread8.png

Project is: complete

Room for Improvement:

  • Add more labeling
  • Thanks To Allah SWT


Contact Me : mrifki193@gmail.com