This is my first ever web development project created by me to showcase some skills I've learnt in the past month self learning software engineering. It uses the following technologies:
- Typescript
- Node.js
- GraphQL
- type-graphql
- Apollo Server and Apollo Client
- React with Next.js
- Express, PostgreSQL etc etc..
There is also a slightly behind branch of this repo that contains a MongoDB version
As this is a project demonstrating my own skills I wont be merging any prs however if you encounter any serious bugs or security issues please make an issue and I will fix them myself. This is my first ever project and I'd imagine as I get better I could refactor repeatedly however I'd rather just move onto other personal projects.
Here's some screenshots of the project:
Currently I'm very busy working on other projects and I've spent too much time as is working on this project so its unlikely that anything will be finished in the near future
- Fix in game mobile UI (currently unplayable and could easily be fixed with a css library like tailwind)
- Add rematch button (send req via subscription to other user, if accepted wipe gameboard and whoWon off game entity)